Exactly what did Sony show the game Demos on though? I saw no Sony PS4 running the Demos during their conference. I give MS kudos for showing a console at their event. The event was to show the console the things it can do. E3 will be for the games. While I like what I saw there are still some nagging questions I would like to see cleared up before I go and get it. Mostly if I have family plan on my Xbox Live and I buy a game can we all play it, or am I going to have pay extra for my son who has live and is online as well.This article is titled "Microsoft Officially Announces The Xbox One". Well, Sony officially announced the PS4, went in-depth on the hardware and features of the console, and showed more game demos than Microsoft did. Sony's game demos were all in engine. Half of Microsoft's demos were fake cgi trailers.
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I think what MS may be doing for used games will be interesting and could alienate the gamers, but at the same time the publishers may like it, and if that is the case I would not be surprised if Sony has to follow suit. One thing that stood out is they are boosting their live service up a lot and my guess is for the TV service. I do like the idea of the one box behind it since I think this system may be the one that lets me clear up some space in my cabinet. Most likely most of my Console friends will be staying with the Xbox brand, but I still think I'll be gaming on my PC more especially if I can convince my wife to let me build a new gaming desktoop :biggrin: