I just had an iphone for 12 days because I got sick of waiting for the thunderbolt and I needed a new phone but I exchanged for the thunderbolt because Iwanted this phone for months... Let me tell you there isn't really anything you will be happy about if you exchange other than battery life.... The thunderbolt is the same and better in almost every way... The phone just came out its bound to have some glitches... The only thing I like about the I phone better is the music player but I think most people will say the apple music player is better then androids... The screen is brighter on the I phone but screen size is much more important on touch screen and swype texting if you downloaded it makes things so much easier... So far on 3g my thunderbolts internet runs a lot faster and smoother than the iphone did to be honest.... Androids market is growing so fast it will eventually be superior to apples and if you look from a monetary perspective if you keep your thunderbolt you will grandfather in an unlimited 4g plan and save money in the long run... If you want in a few months you can sell it on ebay and buy a different 4g phone at retail.... So in my overall opinion keep your thunderbolt over getting an iphone.... And I'd just like to reiterate this is just my opinion so don't bash please lol...