hey im not finding all the icons in the customized icon folder. where would i find like the email and browser icons as well?
They are embedded into the framework-res.apk.
thank you love your work!
hey im not finding all the icons in the customized icon folder. where would i find like the email and browser icons as well?
They are embedded into the framework-res.apk.
i just tried replacing most icons inside the framework using 7zip and android commander and when i reloaded the framework and rebooted the phone i kept getting fc had to do a restore any idea?
I tried making some of my own following the directions.
came out ok I think?
Yea, just double click its icon. Alternatively, you can right click on the layer and goto "Edit Contents". Smart Objects are live-savers. Learn them!
This is what I see when I double click where you indicated. I'm running photoshop 7.0. Is that part of the problem?
Oh wow, you are 5 versions behind. I don't think Smart Objects were even introduced back then.
You can still get it to work, though, without using smart objects. Just replace the artwork on that layer with whatever you want. Make sure you do not modify the mask to the right of it.
hey im not finding all the icons in the customized icon folder. where would i find like the email and browser icons as well?
They are embedded into the framework-res.apk.
I installed a trial version of CS5 and tried my hand with some of these icons. They're small (48x48) because that's what looks best on my phone. Thought I'd share.