Has anyone else been getting horrible battery life with the last 2 Miui releases ? I have deleted battery stats, followed Zeppinlox battery calibration tutorial, let it run down and recharge fully and wipe battery stats. I took my phone off the charger last night at 5pm or so and went to work. The phone sat on my desk idling and by midnight it was down to 50%. When I check the battery usage it says android os 45% . This happens whether on the stock kernel or Chevy's kernels, and when I flashed Chevy's 5.4 rom using the same kernel my battery life was awesome. Same setup , same apps, just much different results.
Just curious what else I can try to do to see how I can improve my battery life. I don't run widgets, Wifi is on at home , otherwise 3g . Only thought I had was maybe a theme, but I have had same results with 3 different themes and pretty sure it does it with stock theme as well.
P.S. finally started using phone and it dropped to 20 % in 20 mins.
my phone is dead when I wake up. From near full charge. Last two releases
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