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Listened to my Mets while working and driving home today..had some audio cuts, all but 1 reconnected within a few seconds but it was still aggravating. I don't get how they can be this far behind the 8 ball on this. They've had 6-7 weeks to get this fixed. WTF?!?
Listened to most of the Brewers today. Had 2 brief (2 second) cutouts but came right back on. The gametracker part is now working and pretty current with the audio. It does silence during inning breaks, which takes some getting used to. Hard to know if it is still on. I am happy.
Been listening to several games today. No cutouts. Period. I'll note once again that I'm running on a wifi signal from my home router linked to a cable modem with a strong signal. I'm willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that the cutouts folks are experiencing are 99% the result of 3G signal problems while traveling.
Hi, I am doing some work in Russia, and internet is pay as you go, by megabyte, so I am looking to download mlb games at night, when there is no limit... Does anyone know where I can download archived radio broadcasts of games (from the day before), specifically SF Giants games, I am all orange and black...really appreciate any help.. my email is Thanks and go SF Giants...
Hi, I am doing some work in Russia, and internet is pay as you go, by megabyte, so I am looking to download mlb games at night, when there is no limit... Does anyone know where I can download archived radio broadcasts of games (from the day before), specifically SF Giants games, I am all orange and black...really appreciate any help.. my email is Thanks and go SF Giants...
Hi, I am doing some work in Russia, and internet is pay as you go, by megabyte, so I am looking to download mlb games at night, when there is no limit... Does anyone know where I can download archived radio broadcasts of games (from the day before), specifically SF Giants games, I am all orange and black...really appreciate any help.. my email is Thanks and go SF Giants...
It's not the app you're paying for. MLB charges you $19.95 for Gameday Audio over the web. I'm actually surprised they're charging less for a far more versatile service.
Anyway, I tried it out for the first time today (over 3G), and had only two very minor dropped connections in about 2 hours. I also had the app doing live updates for a second game, so I'm pretty impressed.