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Moto Boss Slams SGS4 & HTC in Favor of Moto X; Makes Some Solid Arguments

If battery life is your chief goal motorola gives good battery life. Personally, I'd like to see an octocore processor and then add the new graphics processors along with their software wizardry to make the fastest, most powerful smartphone ever built. I can live with less battery life. I'm rarely far from a charger for long.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
Maybe he should talk about the biggest fail IMO = no sd card and no battery to replace....Everyone has different taste so it's good to have choices ..When I go looking for a phone I try to upgrade to features on a new phone compared to what I'm currently using ....Moto X will not be replacing my N2 ....different type of animals ..I like my beast !!LOL

I don't care for all the gimmicks ..personally I like to pick up my Note2 when I need to use it...I don't go for all this talk with the screen off features everyone is so in love with lately....just me now everyone is different ...That's what makes Android choices the best....

Carry on....I enjoy the posts here....:p
I will never go with another HTC after my thunderbolt...it was a mess...I was getting replacements just about every other week until I had my 7th replacement and I complained and they gave it to me.

I rooted my tbolt 6 months in and never, ever had a problem after that.. except choosing which rom I liked best. Still keep the tbolt on a stand by my bed on wifi for all my morning emails etc. The screen still looks better than this motorola. The white is way too warm for me and blue looks washed out. The specs say moto has a better screen than that old tbolt but my eyes prefer the tbolt. Bit of a blunderbuss with the extended battery but made battery life as good as my moto. Strangely, I'm not a fan of super slim designs. I find a thicker phone more comfortable to hold. Even with its inferior hardware running gingerbread aosp rom it is just as fast as this motorola since I was able to dump all the bloat and run a much smaller rom. I'd probably prefer a google edition razr maxx with current hardware than the overboated locked tight moto's to come.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
It is funny how many people see this as "wrong". Do any of those recall "What IDon't, Droid does?" You have to take a swing at the competition if you want to put yourselves on their level. Next thing you know people will be upset that Tide claims it's better than Gain =p
Exactly, competing companies always discuss what their new products are and why its better than others...its always been this way so I don't see why it got so many panties in a bunch....

ultra over $4 or Moto x is more for flash it lacks a few things the ultra has but when you hold the ultra you can just feel the better build quality my HTC DNA over sgn2 that's just me though I've tried all these phone and all ready ordered my ultra over the Moto x is there mid grade flagship but it's still a great phone off you want to choose custom plastic and paint over hardware and screen size I just think Samsung build quail is our unless you get the s4 active on at@t to each his or her own try b4 you buy :-)

I returned the GNex for a Rezound primarily because of:
1) SD card
2) camera

So the Moto X is a definite no-go for me. But I do like some of the things they did.
With their old school hardware and ultralocked software they have nothing to crow about

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
Trolling that what Sammy users like doing. Tell that to 100,000 owners who owned the x.


Main reason it didn't sell more was due to moto maker then CPU not being quad core..

I know for fact moto x got better battery my droid RAZR xt 912 had good battery same with droid bionic..

Og droid,droid 2,3 .Only two Motorola that I have bad battery life are from my experience is droid 4 and atrix hd .

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2
I have both the s4 and RAZR HD. And I can say that the s4 battery is slightly better, and if you watch trusted review Chanel's like android authority and phone dog , they all say that the phone is really nice but the camera AND battery are just OK....troll that
Phone dog really? Their HTC fans in beginning of android for 3 years jump on Samsung nut like Isheep fans since the galaxy s3. They never even liked the original droid they always got bother making Motorola review from the go.

Android authority are cool, but even they have favorite android manufacture devices like lg,Acer,Asus and Sony . So you tell me I should believe their review over droid life ? Give me a break. Android police I trusted them more with review then phone dog. Same with the verge.

Phone dog sucks since Noah left. And, Arron and the crew sucks. Arron should of stood fat. He isn't a good reviewer especially when does a comparison he play favorite for one device act like the other device isn't their. Done this several times for me to take them serious.

Motorola camera isn't to bad..
Motorola battery is better now if u can't last with their battery. Considering RAZR HD have 2600 mah battery compare to my droid RAZR m at 2,000 then idk what wrong with your phone troll.

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2
Trolling? Because I say the S4 has a better battery? Well sorry but in my opinion it does. I used both devices extensively and I wanted to love the X but the 2 drawbacks were battery and camera! Still a great device just not sure if its for me.