some expect too much out of diff things on devices...
its a phone not a psp so gaming will be good on some better on others, my Inc runs asphalt 5 fine, play is smooth
bottom line its a smartphone and for all the diff things they do they are all good
In my opinion the droid incred is smoother and faster than my old rooted/clocked moto droid, the camera is by far way better! thats important to me since always have phone on me but not always a reg camera (the Inc is better than my digital camera) viewing photos and vids/movies on Inc is great as well
talk quality is very good, prefer the keyboard (calibrate it and its great)
hardly ever used my hard keyboard on moto droid so not issue there
i am one that really likes the senseui, very cool and smooth
I really like the phone being lighter too, nice to put in shirt pocket without feeling it there. moto droid is a hair louder for music and sounds. but the moto droid vibrate was way too much for me
battery life is so-so but not as bad as some put it to be (if you never put it down the battery wont last on any device! lol)
Overall i really like my new droid Inc, fast,smooth,sharp device and glad I did the upgrade