I will state, up front, that this is conjecture on my part. But, I have been running and testing all of the various flavors of ROMS for that last few months. When I flashed FRG22 yesterday (I tried 4 variations to see if it was a ROM Chef issue), I had corporate email connection problems. Specifically, the new security features in 2.2, which allow the exchange server to remote wipe and apply security policy to the device OTA, were attempting to negotiate with the exchange server. Oddly, it wouldn't pass the "activation process" with our server. So, I went back to FRG10b. Is it possible that the new FRG22 includes security features that were advertised but not included in FRG10b? Also, it isn't working in FRG22. Can anyone shed some light on this. I am not an exchange admin, though mine is looking into it.