That is exactly what I would like to know also. People are picking a choosing sources as "confirmation" of one having and the other not, when there are countless amounts of videos where the demonstrator says the Atrix has 1 GB DDR2 RAM (not to say this fact). Guess we'll have to wait and see.
The people saying the Atrix does not have DDR2 RAM may wish to check out the following:
Memory 1GB LP DDR2 RAM
Thank you very much. I don't even know how the mix up started in the first place. People are so desperate to find a fault with the phone (in comparison to the Bionic), they started making things up? They are both great phones in their own way, but don't make stuff up. Next time I use the Atrix, I should check if Android recognizes the whole 1 GB instead of this half and half business I hear people talking about also.
Yeah I would also like to know more about the half and half thing. But the Bionic is going to be a great phone.
And when did the Droid X's bootloader get rooted?