Sticking to WiFi hotspots could work, would just have to make sure I'm not streaming any 3G data so my bill doesn't become more than the net worth of China
USA GDP $14.256 trillion , People's Republic of China GDP $10.084 trillion . Not so far behind , are they ?
Surprised they're not ahead with that many people...
But anyways... if I were to get my phone down in Mexico (La Paz) there is plenty of WiFi, but is there any way to do calling for free through Wifi? Skype isn't supported through 3G either, I don't believe.
I'd ask a Verizon rep what to do (assuming Bionic comes out in April), but I know they'd feed me a bunch of bullcrap trying to get me to pay an arm and a leg.
Kind of off topic, but:
1) Do you pay extra to use WiFi internationally? (If it's free, can you block 3G data so I don't pay the ridiculous international fee?)
2)Do you have to pay the $75-$100 international data per month?
3) Can you use Skype or any other video stuff with WiFi using the front facing cameras? I know the iPhone can...
4) If I'd only use the phone when I'm in WiFi areas for texting, calling, surfing the web, watching movies, etc online, (assuming I don't have to use the ridiculous $100 international fee for only 75 mb of data) would it be worth it to get the phone and use it down there, or go phoneless and buy a camera and just use my computer for everything else? (Kind of depends on the person I guess, but someone who has experience with this kind of stuff would know better than myself)
But back on topic, I'm really pulling for an April release date. I'm assuming it'll be about Passover time, BMX was right on with the Blunderbolt...