It's nice to know there's soooo many people out there in my same boat. Droid 1 (Rooted CM7 RC2) waiting on the Bionic. My girlfriends on a G1 and she's waiting as well. The
leaked Verizon road map now says May which kills our hopes of mid April.
I got a xoom and one of things I'm most impressed with is the battery life I'm getting. The battery life on my droid is terrible if play a game or browse the web for extended periods of time, or anything beyond taking phone calls and texting. On the xoom it doesn't seem to matter what I do on it playing high end 3d games, the N64 emulator, or just email... battery life drains slow and steady to the tune of about 14hrs with about 7hrs of constant screen on use. The other 7 is chatting on gtalk, web browsing, email, and listening to music. This and from what I read about the Atrix, I expect battery life on the Bionc to be outstanding especially compared to say the Thunderbold. I definitely want Tegra 2.
Man is this wait killing me.