Dave 99% of the time I feel I agree with you, but I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on this one. Lets look at the history...
- Droid - game changer
- Droid X - different, but a solid difference, awesome device, felt like the Droid's big brother
- Droid 2 - similar to Droid, but given it was all so new and the D1 was so huge, this is not unacceptable, and a decent bump in specs.
- Droid X2 - begins to feel like they're milking things a bit... identical skeleton, bump in specs, but buggy as heck.
- Droid 3 - basically the X2 in a Droid-like shell, with OMAP instead of Tegra
- Bionic - Droid 3 in a fatter X shell with more RAM and a LTE radio
- Razr - Bionic with different screen and thinner shell, and Smart Actions (the first truly difference in software so far)
- Droid 4 - Razr with a keyboard
- Razr Maxx - Razr with a bigger battery
- Fighter - bigger Razr with a HD screen (that the int'l Razr had right after the Razr's release here) and slight bump in specs (speculation obviously)
I'm forgetting one... oh yeah, the Droid Pro. Meh...
Now, obviously, some of those are not available any more. But just look at the devices since the Bionic. You mean to tell me that the Razr Maxx caters to a different market segment than the Razr? Which one, the one that likes better battery life? :tongue: I kinda get the Droid 4, given the Droid history and the current Razr format. But what segment does the Bionic cater to that the original Razr (and therefore Razr Maxx as well) wouldn't also cater to?
To say there's
no overlap is a bit of an exaggeration imho. I agree choice is great, and I also agree that as long as the consumer does their homework, they should be fine... most of the time. But the original Razr owners probably would've gladly waited a couple more months for the Razr Maxx had they any clue about that. But Moto wanted to push out the thinnest smartphone ever, right after the first dual core LTE phone, right before the thinnest smartphone ever, with a bigger battery... and the other thinnest smartphone ever, with a keyboard slapped onto it. You get the point...