Motorola Droid Turbo Soak Test Invites Hitting Inboxes; Android 5 or just Maintenance?

I don't see flashlight anywhere?? You are talking about the turbo?
Me neither. Also, perhaps I have something disabled but I can't do simultaneous voice and data.
go to widgets its in there

On Edit.. I'm wrong it is not there.
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I got the update, can do simultaneous voice and data, but don't see the flash light or anything that looks like a lighting bolt under widgets?
Yes give me a min..

Your correct it's not there.. Sorry
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View attachment 73801 Now I know you know this but for others Long press on home screen, select Widgets, then look for the "Black Bolt"

LIKE IF YOU FOUND IT your killing me ...
Are you sure you aren't seeing a widget for another user installed app instead?

That widget is simply not there on my turbo.
the SV is 21.44.8 quark_Verizon.Verizon.en.US

When I shrunk the shot it looks blurred to me ... could be the "Pinch" \_/

Bad Me.. It's not added, sorry Dog gone Pinch !!
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I don't have it either
Are you sure you don't have an app that has it in there??
OK, so I didn't realize that not only did I need to turn it on in Verizonwireless's website, but that I also then needed to reboot the phone.

Advanced Calling FAQs Verizon Wireless

All is good with Advanced Calling... Still not seeing the flashlight widget.
I'm only talking about the flashlight widget.. Lol
Are you sure you aren't seeing a widget for another user installed app instead?

That widget is simply not there on my turbo.

Well, You are correct!! Very sorry... I did have it already what through me off there is one on 5.1 using the same simple but in the swipe down window with setting and other short cuts... I'm in trouble now....:(
You can still remove the Google Search Bar..... really!!

How do I change my name ???? I'm in trouble now ...
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Anyone else having problems with people getting a message that your number is disconnected?
Not yet. What I do know is that unless you reboot the phone after turning on Advanced Calling 1.0, the phone won't make calls.

Perhaps that's why others aren't seeing your number or getting the disconnected message.