Motorola Droid Update Continues Through Sept 4

I am in Marquette mi got my update on sept 4 in the am. My droid is sluggish and I am still getting the blue ? box on some sites ...

with flash d-load

Anyone know why?
Still no update here... hope they are still rolling it out.


Try shutting your phone off then restart. It might be there. Happened to me on the first update.

I'm getting the impression that a large number of people have still not received this update. I know of 5 Droid1 owners who have not received it yet.

I have to wonder if, considering today's Adobe Flash announcement, Verizon may have possibly stopped delivering the OTA from their servers, since according to documentation, that's the primary reason that FRG22D was being sent out.
I have to wonder if, considering today's Adobe Flash announcement, Verizon may have possibly stopped delivering the OTA from their servers, since according to documentation, that's the primary reason that FRG22D was being sent out.

I was wondering that too. Figured there must be some reason I hadn't gotten it yet.

And I did try shutting the phone luck there.
Has anyone received this FRG22D Over-The-Air update from Verizon in the last 24 hours?

Please speak up if you have, or if you do in the future.

Ok, it's been 48 hours, looks like this OTA has stopped. Whether it was completed or halted or cancelled, it's unclear, but at least from my contacts it sounds like there are still a good number of folks who didn't get it.

(In reference to the German Flash/Milestone announcement, as it has become more clear, it doesn't seem to have had anything to do with this Froyo OTA.)

Anyway, if you didn't get this update Over The Air from Verizon's servers, if your Droid is not rooted, and if you do want the FRG22D update, check the thread, where you can download and install FRG22D as either the patch version or the full version.

If your Droid is rooted and if you want the rooted FRG22D update, check the thread, where you can get either the deodexed version or the odexed version.

Starting with FRG01B, this has been a long and tedious Froyo OTA process, with lots of FUD (Fear, uncertainty and doubt). I for one am glad it's over.

Despite the FUD (and despite my own personal skepticisms), my personal thanks go to CK, all the other involved mods, to Furbearingmammal and to a number of other helpful members for opening all of this OTA process up for discussion and for supporting all the folks who needed it.

Has anyone received this FRG22D Over-The-Air update from Verizon in the last 24 hours?

Please speak up if you have, or if you do in the future.
Have no fear. Every phone will get it eventually. My brother got it day before yesterday. His wife has not.
Have no fear. Every phone will get it eventually. My brother got it day before yesterday. His wife has not.

I for one wish had not gotten it. My phone works fine but this update's stupid implementation of exchange security (requiring a pin every time the phone wakes up, even if your exchange server doesn't require it) has made my droid much less enjoyable.
Four our of four Droid 1's in our office are running FRG22D, three OTA one rooted and NONE are required to enter a PIN or password. The office is on Exchange 2007.

Let's hear from others that don't have to enter a PIN.
Four our of four Droid 1's in our office are running FRG22D, three OTA one rooted and NONE are required to enter a PIN or password. The office is on Exchange 2007.

Let's hear from others that don't have to enter a PIN.

I wish someone could pinpoint what the difference is, we have 3 people with Droids in our office and they all have to enter the pin after the update, we also have Exchange 2007 and my administrator assures me we don't enforce any policy on the server. This is driving me nuts.
I went back to stock FRG01B and rooted about a week ago or so (from FRG22D) because of the pin/password issue and today the update appeared on my phone again. I went through the reboot and install and of course it fails (like it should) and I deleted the cached .zip file. So yes, it looks like it's still rolling out. Btw, we are on exchange 2010 (I'm the exchange admin) and all D1 phones with FRG22D are affected by the bug in the update. I flash more phones back to FRG01B everyday then I care to mention.
Interesting. I'm running metiCkOne's odexed rooted FRG22D, and continue to be getting all my Exchange email and calendar related goodies with no change at all to my Droid's login processes. It's like nothing changed anywhere.

And metiCkOne has made it very clear he left both FRG01B and FRG22D completely virgin with the exception of rooting, busyboxing and adding his name to the build (and deodexing with the deodexed version). The only major system level thing I have done is install a Chevy kernel.

I'm still convinced there has to be some feature, probaby for security, that my Exchange server doesn't have turned on, that FRG22D has this problem with. I've never used entry-security on my Droid, so perhaps it has something to do with that too.

I have to think, though, that Verizon is aware of this Exchange issue and is looking at it closely by now. It's affecting you and your institution very heavily, and it must be doing the same for others too.

Btw, I've never received FRG22D in either the patch or the full form as an OTA from Verizon. Perhaps still to come, perhaps not, because I'm using it already in the metiCkOne version???
I went back to stock FRG01B and rooted about a week ago or so (from FRG22D) because of the pin/password issue and today the update appeared on my phone again. I went through the reboot and install and of course it fails (like it should) and I deleted the cached .zip file. So yes, it looks like it's still rolling out. Btw, we are on exchange 2010 (I'm the exchange admin) and all D1 phones with FRG22D are affected by the bug in the update. I flash more phones back to FRG01B everyday then I care to mention.

I assume you have to root before going back to FRG01B right? Where do you download FRG01B from? Peter Alfonso?
I went back to stock FRG01B and rooted about a week ago or so (from FRG22D) because of the pin/password issue and today the update appeared on my phone again. I went through the reboot and install and of course it fails (like it should) and I deleted the cached .zip file. So yes, it looks like it's still rolling out. Btw, we are on exchange 2010 (I'm the exchange admin) and all D1 phones with FRG22D are affected by the bug in the update. I flash more phones back to FRG01B everyday then I care to mention.

I assume you have to root before going back to FRG01B right? Where do you download FRG01B from? Peter Alfonso?
Never mind, I saw your answer in the other thread. Thanks much! As you can see I am a little desperate ;)