The important thing Is that you Are happy with whatever phone you have. There are plenty of options for android lovers.
Probably the best comment overall. It doesn't matter which manufacturer or phone you ultimately settle on, just that it's the one which gives you the best user experience. The OP had a disappointing experience and that's not to be denied. That experience was mirrored by others so it wasn't unique to him/her. This means it shouldn't be chocked up to "user error". Every phone will at times act a bit's whether it can be quickly resolved or lingers and festers that dictates the users experience.
Sometimes when you are suffering, it can feel like you are on an island if you can't resolve the issue. We as a community are here for the common goal of getting the best possible user experience from our devices no matter whose they are. Some like me are mostly interested in helping others...some come for the help I and others provide. Both are completely acceptable.
I only wish that we could have assisted the op and others in similar situations to overcome those issues and truly enjoy their phones.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2