if u wanna talk about killing updates or delaying them by months.. we'd be talking about Motorola... Samsung s2 came out like 6 months before the bionic and got updated months before and more frequently but it wasn't on Verizon
You may have inadvertently raised one very important point...Verizon. The carrier, in this case Verizon has a lot to do with how often, how fast, and how bloat-laden updates come. Verizon is an excellent carrier with tremendous market saturation and signal out the wazoo, but they are also very strict and can delay, damage or squash updates depending on whether they conform to their own priorities or not. More often than not, I'll bet the delays or lack of support by Motorola was driven not by Motorola, but by Verizon not happy with what Motorola was doing.
Of course, this raises the question - why then did other manufacturers manage to get updates more frequently and sooner? I suppose that it may have something to do with how closely aligned the Droid series and Motorola were with Verizon...but then how about the HTC Droid Incredible? I say, yeah, what about the HTC Droid Incredible? Did it get the level of support that others tout as being better than Motorola, considering it too was a Verizon phone? Was it as good as the Motorola phones of the day?
Anyway, what I'm trying to do here is separate the baby from the bathwater for discussion purposes. Let's look at "what" caused the lack of support - in specific what "wasn't" Motorola's fault if you will. Anyone?