There is a reason why Apple haters are everywhere. Many of us were customers of theirs and got fed up and went elsewhere. We could devote many pages to the stupid and restrictive things that Apple has done over the past couple decades. Whether they are intentionally denying users what are considered industry standards, or outright lying about how fast their computers are(Or aren't, as the case was), their approach to the market and their customer base is very arrogant.
In any case, the Xoom has a fraction of the storage, power or flexibility of a comparably priced laptop, no matter how you slice it...
They are cool. But not $800 plus tax plus a data plan worth of cool.
Well then, let your dollars do the talking... they don't need to be bashed on every thread. Most people think their products are better than anything Motorola could possibly release...
Now, about the Xoom....
Why is it hard for people to understand!!!
Texaco oil = Xoom
Pennzoil = Laptop
Sure the Pennzoil is better and cheaper, but that Texaco oil offers CONVENIENCE because they sell it everywhere. You pay a premium for convenience... A tablet is more convenient than a laptop.
Did you ever say "why would I pay 5x more for a laptop with half the features of my PC?" when laptops first came out??
Honestly, why do you even have a smartphone? Couldn't you just use your laptop and a dumb phone? That $30 extra a month could go a long way.