SSHGuru,Since it's Gorilla Glass you really don't need the protector but to each his own.
It's a nice wood holder. I already have two of the ones from Motorola otherwise I might consider it.
Some shameless promotion that should help you sell more of these - check out ToldYa! - Social Selling, you can sell these there on the social networks and even here with built in credit card and shipping etc... for free. Portable Estores.
Actually - the "naked" Droid in the photo was to display just how much extra room there is surrounding the phone. On another forum, I had at first showed the Droid with the gel cover, and was barraged with questions of whether other covers would work as well. Since I went "sans" cover for the photos - NO inquiries about which cover would fit!I just thought it was funny that you use the fact that the covers have to be taken off to work with other docks, and than you show us pics of your dock and phone with the cover off.
Looks good though, I am considering getting one myself.
I personally keep my Gel Cover on all the time. I love how it gives me a good "grip", and though I've dropped it twice, my Droid suffered no damage. I feel the Gel Cover did it's job royally!
Hoping to see you soon on our Buyer List! An enclosed packing slip with each MIKRADLE gives details on how to earn referral refunds!
Thanks for the provided link. I will definitely look into the site and see if it would be appropriate for my product, the MIKRADLE! It is very considerate of you to take the effort helping me promote this product. Very appreciated!

I am aware of the assets of gorilla glass - but as I'm a woodworker - my touchscreen on the Droid is being subjected daily to paints, glue, stain, lacquer, etc. which seem to be on my fingers perpetually. Having the screen protector (necessary or not) just gives me piece of mind knowing I don't need to apply any solvents trying to remove residue from any of these liquids. A couple of mishaps already, and just peeling off the protector and applying a new one is much easier and safer than using a solvent (which could potentially penetrate the inside the my phone, causing even more grief. But I do appreciate your concern!

Thanks - cuskit