36 if its really any of your business.seriously you attmept to flame then tuck your tale...passive aggressive much?backpeddling cause I got owned
Owned How old are you? Children!!! I have my phone while he has to wait for another!!! Anyone with Common sense after trying to pull on the tape and it is not moving would look at the directions to see if it comes out or not.
I have my phone too. And guess what I as many others pulled the tab off.
the tab getting pulled off is a scapegoat from the VZW people otherwise they wouldnt have replaced it for him.
As for looking at the directions...seriously are you that incapable of understanding there is nothing other than a do not cut that would remotely hint that its not suppose to be pulled all the way off?
You should stick to asking questions and trolling in your mind. Because last I looked your the idiot that had to research how to unbox your phone.