My Droid X Horror Story (don't pull the "pull" tab)

It's a shame that someone posted a mistake they made to the forum in the hopes of helping others not do the dame, and jerks feel the need to ridicule....

What happened to "if you can't say something nice, keep your trap shut"?

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this should be a sticky, we dont want anyone else to go through this, right ? :)
it's really amazing how many people "pulled" the tab off... OMG! dancedroid
I pulled the tab

Interesting, I pulled the tab and my phone works fine. In order to get the battery out, i pretty much slap the phone against my hand and the battery comes out
OMG.. thank you for this post. If I did not see this post I am 99.% sure I would have pulled the tab!!! :icon_eek:
My girlfriend got this phone a while back, when I saw the little tab i told her to go ahead and pull it off thinking it was some sort of protector or something though I though it was kinda odd they would put those important barcodes and such on the thing. She pulled it out and went about her merry way, no problems with the battery, ever. So yesterday I took delivery of my droid X, decided i wanted to read about that little tab and what it was actually for, and found it was the battery pull tab. She still hasn't forgiven me.
It says pull + do not cut. Most folks assumed not to cut the tab so that they could FULLY pull out the tab. Verizon should address this issue immediately.
Yea I almost pulled it out too. It isnt dumb if someone did that. Normally I've seen tabs for removing the battery made of cloth. or no writing. Instead of PULL they shoulda put Battery Tab or wrote that somewhere near it and an arrow pointing at it.

Remember the battery isnt in the phone when u first get it. One might assume u would have to remove that before putting the battery in..Any one who had the Droid remembers it didnt have a pull tab.
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I find it funny that the person criticizing the OP has indeed asked many "obvious" questions that could have been answered by a quick search, google, or "unboxing video".

I too saw the tab but I did not pull mine. I think what saved me was the Best Buy rep installed my battery for me and when i did eventually have the need to remove the battery I saw the tab and realized its purpose. If it would not have been for the setup from the Best Buy rep I could have seen myself pulling away at the tab. I hope this or something similar becomes a sticky to the new users. As I too am a recent iMonopoly convert from AT&T and will never look back.

Oh and I consider myself a pretty tech savvy 26 year old. Age has nothing to do with pulling this tab.
I received a reconditioned phone with no documentation. After removing the plastic on the front of the phone, I removed the tab in the battery compartment - it seemed like the logical next step. Phone works fine. Is there any reason I should be concerned about this other than the hassle I'll experience when removing/replacing the battery?

Please no snark - just looking to find out what the deal is now that I have a Droid X sans tab.
My mom yanked hers out said pull so she did. :blink:

I told her to save it when I saw it had the MEID etc on it.....she wondered later why it was such a PITA to get the battery out, then I saw one of these threads. She was able to pop it back it and it sure is easier to get the battery out now :D
I received a reconditioned phone with no documentation. After removing the plastic on the front of the phone, I removed the tab in the battery compartment - it seemed like the logical next step. Phone works fine. Is there any reason I should be concerned about this other than the hassle I'll experience when removing/replacing the battery?

Please no snark - just looking to find out what the deal is now that I have a Droid X sans tab.

No. Your phone will function the same. There's nothing else attached to the tab, despite what some others on here might lead you to believe.
Isure wish I would have checked this forum before receiving my droid x it would have saved me from having to reinstall it. Do not know why they do not mention it in the quick start instructions.
I ordered my Droid X at a local Verizon store on 7/23, and was super excited when it arrived on 7/27 (i hate waiting for packages). As i am taking it out of the box and removing all the wrapping, I see the pull tab, and I was a little confused because there was no reference of this tab in the "Getting Started" guide. i removed the "pull" tab from the battery compartment. As i'm sure you have heard by now, this is not a very smart thing to do. I would find this out later, the hard way.

So i continue assembling the phone, put the battery in place, plug in the power cord, and power up the phone. The first thing i see is a battery symbol that has a "?" through it. When i turn the phone on, i get an error that says "Invalid Motorola Battery". Hmmm, thats weird. So i go through the activation of the phone, and get it working. I notice that the battery symbol still has the "?" through it. I remove the power cord, and the phone goes dead. I put the charger back in, and the all i get is the "?" battery symbol.

So i take the phone to the Verizon Store where i bought it, and they told me i wasnt supposed to pull out the "pull" tab. They fiddle with the phone for a while, trying different batteries, chargers, reapplying the "pull" tab, and have no success.

So, they end up having to order me a replacement phone, which they said would be delivered today, and yet never was. I have yet to receive an email confirmation of shipping.

Moral of the Story: Don't pull the pull tab.

Sorry for the rant, but i figured i would be the guinea pig for everyone else. From the research i've done, seems like i'm not the one who's pulled the tab out, but i haven't heard of anyone else who's phone would not charge bc of it. Any one else had this problem?

- Dan
LOL, I did the same thing "pulled the pull tab off" However, I did not have any problems with the unit. I was going to pull out the micro chip and that was when I found no good way of removing the battery because I removed the pull tab. The adhesive from the battery was sticking to the battery making it hard to remove it without damaging the unit or the battery so I had to "gently" pry it out with a mirco screwdriver. Hopefully, you will get your Droid X back soon. Right now I am loving the Droid X, but it could be better if I could sync my outlook with the Droid X.