Also have to remember mdroid28 that the Bionic had severe connectivity issues at release and is running on GB, which is a matured OS.
I don't have data issues, but I imagine those who do won't see improvement until the actual Network is improved, or the authentication errors are corrected. Since some of us have no issues, it's hard for me to believe it's a software issue, as we should all be experiencing connectivity/data issues if it was.
Yesterday I went to the barber and saw the best 4G signal I've seen yet, -74dBm, then I drove to another part of town that didn't have 4g and instantly switched to 3g, I just don't seem to have the issues that others are mentioning.
Hopefully it's resolved for those who do have issues, I hate to see people being burdened by an issue that I don't have, makes me feel a little guilty to be honest. I'm also scared to replace my phone in case a problem arises, don't want to be stuck with the issues either.
What is the exact connectivity issue?
edit: really want a nexus, but want it to work
As of right now, many GNex users are experiencing terrible connection to mobile data networks. The signal is sitting between -120 and -100db usually, which should generally be <-90. Places where other phones are blazing through 4g, the Nexus won't connect, or it will only be in 3g. Then, when 4g drops, it takes ages for 3g to kick in, if it ever does. Sometimes you have to toggle airplane mode, or reboot to get reconnected, and that's far from a guarantee.
It's hard to know how much to attribute to the GNex hardware, how much to ICS, how much to flashable radios, and how much to Verizon's actualy 4g problems they are having. Most of us are hoping Google and Samsung can fix this with updates, but that's no guarantee. And then some of us like Liderc above are fortunate enough to have theirs working fine. It's pretty puzzling from a troubleshooting standpoint right now.
Well that stinks... What do you think the ratio of problem to no problem is? What are you getting for up and down speeds using that speednet or whatever test? I feel like i have similar problems on the d1 with GB...connectivity i mean. Wasnt there a release to just make the bars different or something that was supposed to come out? Im so far behind on this thing because of school then the holidays...trying to catch up stinks