My kids are getting "smart" - they're going Bionic

Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
New Jersey
Today two of my kids (17 and 15) are getting smartphones for the first time. They have chosen the Bionic. They researched all of the options, and also asked me for my opinion. I told them that ultimately if I were to choose a new smartphone today, I would go with the Bionic again.

Of all of the smartphones out there the Bionic is the right balance of features and stability, with configurability its edge over the iPhone.

I seriously considered giving one of them my Bionic in exchange for using their upgrade for a new smartphone, but decided that my Bionic simply is the most well-rounded phone out there. Great battery and removable storage and rare network (VZW) drops does it for me.
Today two of my kids (17 and 15) are getting smartphones for the first time. They have chosen the Bionic. They researched all of the options, and also asked me for my opinion. I told them that ultimately if I were to choose a new smartphone today, I would go with the Bionic again.

Of all of the smartphones out there the Bionic is the right balance of features and stability, with configurability its edge over the iPhone.

I seriously considered giving one of them my Bionic in exchange for using their upgrade for a new smartphone, but decided that my Bionic simply is the most well-rounded phone out there. Great battery and removable storage and rare network (VZW) drops does it for me.

Here here!
Add an extended battery n u got the perfect smartphone

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Agreed. The only reason I gave my daughter my bionic was an offer for a d4 for $99 and I was missing a physical keyboard. I thoroughly loved the bionic for the 4mo that I owned it. An excellent choice.

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk
Smart kids. The Bionic is the best all purpose phone on Verizon for people who don't have to have a keyboard.

...perhaps a Droid Bionic 2 is in the making?
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Good for them! I am loving the Bionic the 2nd go around. The launch version was so buggy, but now everything is fixed. It is the perfect upgrade for me, I loved my Droid X. It really is to me the next in the X line. Hope they enjoy it.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Congrats to the kids. I just ordered my wife the Bionic as an upgrade from her Droid X. She was tossing around the idea of the Iphone, Bionic and the Razr... Fortunately, a couple friends of hers and myself were able to guide her to the "light side" of the Droid Force. ;-)
It kind of funny that the Bionic had such a rocky start, and now, 6+ months later, it's arguably the best phone available on VZW. And that's pretty much indisputable when you factor in the current price.
You raised them right. :yahoo:
I had a Bionic early on, and got one recently again after going through all the rounds of LTE device. I didn't have quite the issues others did early on, but did have issues. I can say the phone is 10x better now than it was back then - and I did like it back then too. Software + network updates have made a big difference over all. I still desire a better (or at least easier to make a good picture) camera, but it's workable!

*knocks on wood*

So far, so good. They love being able to customize it so much. They're already playing with different launchers and apps. They're not asking me as many questions as I expected, but then again they're pretty smart and they both are the kind of people who will get into things to see how they work. Just like their old man.
Once we get ICS there will be no debate. The only con is the camera.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
I have liked my Bionic since the beginning (within a few days of launch date). I couldn't figure out why others that post here did not like their Bionic. Then I formed the opinion that people who did not leave them "stock" had the most problems.Now it seems that most of the people that did not like their Bionic have left the buiding or are now happy with it. Makes you wonder how many jumped ship prematurely?I went through 3 years of hating my phones (Blackberry World and Tour). Once I got this Bionic, and after a couple month learning curve (mainly breaking Blackberry Habits) I am extremely happy. This forum has helped me alot. I can't say the Bionic is better than all other phones because I haven't used all others but I can say I like it better than my wife's iPhone 4s. 4s is a good phone but not as big, durable, fast, and "flexible". 4s does have a better screen and camera.