Since the Storm had a SIM card for international travel, as well as CDMA, it was a phone that if the SIM card was unlocked, would be able to be used on AT&T or other GSM carriers. Many people on CB talked about how it would work on EDGE on AT&T, but as we know it is slower and more congested than VZW 3G.if you're looking for a nice phone that's semi-smart and doesn't REQUIRE a data me... i have an LG dare just sitting in my drawer.
Did you ever consider selling it on eBay? You might be surprised how much you get and could use towards your Android phone.
I should really put my Blackberry Storm up on eBay. Think I could get 100.00 for it? It's just collecting dust on my bureau.
To stay on topic I know some companies allow you to use some smart phones without a data plan. Isn't it that they use EDGE instead? Heck, I'm not certain I just remember seeing people with Blackberry Storms who did not have data plans in Crackberry.
Back in November, I sold my Storm and 2 charging docks and got $185 for it. That, plus the $100 mail in rebate pretty much made my Moto Droid free.