You want a copy of the chat I can send it to you. I sent one to viper.
Trying out Sprint for a month. Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk. 4G is pointless when you don't live in one of the few available network areas.
can you send to me the chat too? PM to harshd2000 or hsdesai1 @ gmail (dot) com
Sorry I closed the link and I'm not on the computer any more. I am going to wait for direction from Miami. If he says yes then I will but if its a no. I'm sorry I offered. I was just trying to be helpful. I'm certainly not going to get Miami in trouble.
@ viper please burn the email.

Trying out Sprint for a month. Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk. 4G is pointless when you don't live in one of the few available network areas.