Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster.
It's been a roller coaster ride for me so far. I've been following this device since the BGR pics, and am a lurker from the previous (closed) thread.
I have to admit ... for a while I followed the dark side and didn't believe in Miami's posts (when the information wasn't coming as fast as I would particularly have liked it to mind you), but I stuck with it. "Why?" do you ask? I would like to say "Because I believe in my fellow man." or something else just as selfless or noble. Truth is ... I'm just extremely impatient and really want this phone!
Watching all the bashing of each other ... and with every post see us (yes, I said "us" as I've come to stalk .. ahem .. know you all as I've lurked) fall apart a little more until finally ... the thread was closed.
As disheartening as that was, it makes it even better to see us all getting along in this 2nd chance ... this new hope ... this new thread

So much so, that I am taking a leap of faith ... I am drinking (as we speak) the Miami Kool-Aid. You go Miami for not getting discouraged!
I raise my glass to all of you that make this thread so fun to read ... the informants ... the mods ... even the trouble makers.
Sorry if this isnt that coherent ... I've worked 13 hrs today and I've had a couple drinks.
To all: I'm glad to be here, out of the darkness and into the light ... I love you man! lol