I dont think his info is incorrect at all, but since we do not know the exact date, "late november" will have to suffice for now. I'm sure they already have the exact date planned and a massive stockpile of dinc 2's waiting to be shipped but until they give the go it aint happenin'...
I'm also betting that miami is literally itching to tell us too, but if he wants to remain a trustworthy and reliable leak, hes gotta obey their rules.
Oh well, the longer i wait the cheaper my etf gets so its all good in the hood if they wanna lauch this bad boy in late december.
I'm seriiously thinking that since there is so much info on all the other devices they are releasing this month there should likewise be a as much on this one. Following that logic as a previous poster said an announcement/preorders on the 23rd or the 26th would make plenty of sense with a launch on December 2nd, and likely a midnight one too, just like they did with the DX.