dancedroid DROID DOES BABY!
Alright, I got some updates. New Core works perfectly! speed is the same, but no slowdowns! Perfect Dark now runs almost perfect on 2.3 phones, and he is updating the gui and interface. crualfoxhound and yongzh have a release date in there minds, and he says "Soon" (I'm guessing a month)
Also, a little off topic, there is this Paul guy making his own port of Mupen64Plus to android... strange... (N64oid is a port of Mupen too!) It actully boots and works!
Could this battle really happen? Fpse vs Psx4Droid and n64oid vs Mupen64Plus4Droid? Who knows! :icon_eek:
Here are links:
FpseCE Fourm, n64oid:
FpseCE Forum - View topic - N64oid News
Pauls Mupen Code:
Mupen64Plus For Android
see attached for new gui.
What new core? is there a new version somewhere or something?
Not released yet. In development.