Not on full sites?
Nope. And I rarely visit mobile sites. I find them irritating.
Not on full sites?
I'm certain I'll be running MIUI until I retire my D1, which at the earliest won't be until Q4 this year.
Thanks again tp4bama for all your time and effort in getting Miui to us D1 owners.
Speaking of retiring the D1, what would be some reasons why anyone would want to retire their Droid? hmmm. Maybe I'll start a new thread asking that. Seems like to be a solid phone, and as long as the battery keeps working, and the processor doesn't melt because of my Overclocking obsession, I should be good to go for a few years.
It is a solid phone. Only issue is it's underpowered compared to others out there, and software and OS's are being written for the new hardware.
As they say, software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster. Not necessarily true, but if you want to keep up with some of the goodies coming out, new hardware is the only way.
Even now, GB is pushing the little guy beyond its limits in some cases.
loved the first couple releases of MIUI i know jamezelle was just porting, but seem to be more stable and faster builds when he was doing it,
havent messed with MIUI in a couple weeks - after the release of LGB 1.3 i havent looked back honestly, so fast, great battery, market updates, gmail syncs, contacts sync, i receive every mms & phone call.
where-as with MIUI, i hated the WIFI connectivity issues i was having, traveling in the city bringing up Google Maps always caused FCs when trying to search for a business..missed MMS, and phone calls....say what you will, that its a great rom, but a great rom to me embodies what the phone has to offer first and than incorporate the different features when the devs have actually nailed down making a phone call........
there is a reason why LGB is based off of CM7, cause CM6.1.2 is buggy and not as quick as those GB vers. we have started to see......
was really into this rom but with the releases of lots of other quicker roms with Iphone styles, no point to this one unless you wanna be frustrated and have a quick battery drain!![]()
Please get your facts straight before posting. I use the same way to port that jamezelle did. Nothing changed minus the cm build because the 6.1.2 was the latest stable build. Lgb is based on cm 7 because cm7 is a gingerbread rom where cm6.1.2 is froyo. I base my port on cm6.1.2 because miui for now is froyo and because its the latest stable build.
When miui gb comes out it will be based on cm7.
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No I'm not overclocked. I'm running stock kernell
Where do I find that slayer kernels
what are you overclocking at? Assumin you are...maybe try to increase the speed and flash another kernel.
Im currently using slayhers LFY 1100 SLV kernel and phones flying for me.
im Having issues with my droid 1 using miui1.3.11 and past versions. If i draw the txt msg notication down on the lockscreen to check a current received msg. the mms opens but wont show the current msg. I have to press the back button and re click on the mms to see my msgs. Also its pretty slow. Do you guys have any suggestions
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Okay, what's with MIUI closing out my browser? Anyone else have that happen or know why? It only happens when I visit full sites. Wouldn't be so bad if they didn't take so much longer to load everything. Had this issue for a while.
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I just had 2 browser shut down also
Yeah, Flash or maybe Java related. Something in the code of the page(s) you guys are viewing thats making it shut down. Care to share the site(s) that it happens on, if you remember. I'll go there and see if it happens to me but as of now still no browser shutdowns here.