Verizon Wireless Droid Scavenger Hunt
1. Sweepstakes Period: The Verizon Wireless Droid Scavener Hunt (the "Promotion") begins 12:00:01 Eastern Time ("ET") on July 7, 2010 and ends 11:59:59 ET on July 15, 2010 (the "Promotion Period").
3. How to Participate in the Promotion and Claim a Prize: During the Promotion Period, there will be a Scavenger Hunt, where 21 Certificates for a free Droid Phone will be hidden across the country. Clues as to where the 21 Droid Certificates ("Certificates") will be hidden will be tweeted on a regular basis from @DroidLanding. To view the tweets, visit
DroidLanding (DroidLanding) on Twitter. Dates and times of Certificate placement will vary, but the final clue of each GPS location for each Certificate will be tweeted at the time it is hidden. Participants will have 4 hours from the time of the posting of the final clue to find the Certificate and once it is found, follow the instructions on the Certificate to claim their prizes, subject to verification.