By the way, I deleted the apk - not sure I see the point in renaming.
I won't delete, and recommend rename to others when troubleshooting their issues by forum, as so they have something to get back in case we fail to resolve the issue.
I renamed my street.apk to .bak first, rebooted, and after it installed, and was functional, then deleted.
I find it better so we avoid those posts of "I even deleted the file and now ..."
Could save your life sometime hehehe.
That's fine - you still deleted it, just exercised a bit more caution than I.
Space in /system/app is precious - no need having useless clutter in there, IMO.
We're on the same page there, and you summed it up nicely - just easier to excercise that caution first, especially if it is someone else I'm directing to play with their system/app files
Damn, I'm loving 1.1.1. ... havent even bothered to change kernal yet. In fact I may turn off setcpu and give the onboard gov a try with the 800 ...