New Leaked Photos Of Motorola's new Droid HD alongside Droid Bionic

Assuming that first picture is actually the two phones laying side by side and not two separate pictures pasted together... they have the same size screen...

I'm 100% sure it's the same screen size. It will be a 4.3" screen phone :)
Any indication if this will be a global phone? I see a SIM logo on the status bar, but i assume that it is for the 4G SIM, not a global one. I actually love this phone already!
i just noticed the "tablet-like" bottom menu icons.....

That was actually the first thing I noticed. I knew they were different from the Bionic's but I didn't realize they were tablet like (I don't have any sort of android device). I guess the icons and the stock Android sort of make since. I wonder what version of Android it's running.
I'm 100% sure it's the same screen size. It will be a 4.3" screen phone :)

So the part in the original post and in the source that says "4.5-inch display with qHD or even 1280x720 resolution, considering the device's name" is incorrect for the DHD?
So the part in the original post and in the source that says "4.5-inch display with qHD or even 1280x720 resolution, considering the device's name" is incorrect for the DHD?

well, it will depend on the menu buttons. from the pics we've seen, it's difficult to tell whether the menu buttons are permanent capacitive buttons that are under the glass (in which case the usable screen will probably be 4.3"); or, whether the menu buttons are part of the software that may or may not appear and disappear, depending on how ICS works (in which case the usable screen will probably be 4.5"). from the pics, it certainly appears that the glass would allow for a 4.5" screen.
well, it will depend on the menu buttons. from the pics we've seen, it's difficult to tell whether the menu buttons are permanent capacitive buttons that are under the glass (in which case the usable screen will probably be 4.3"); or, whether the menu buttons are part of the software that may or may not appear and disappear, depending on how ICS works (in which case the usable screen will probably be 4.5"). from the pics, it certainly appears that the glass would allow for a 4.5" screen.

I thought that at first as well, but the view that is has both phones laying flat on a desk and looking up from the bottom makes it pretty apparent where the actual screen ends on the DHD. I think that they are permanent softbuttons, but can only be seen when back-lit for a cleaner look when the screen is off.
I thought that at first as well, but the view that is has both phones laying flat on a desk and looking up from the bottom makes it pretty apparent where the actual screen ends on the DHD. I think that they are permanent softbuttons, but can only be seen when back-lit for a cleaner look when the screen is off.

i think we're saying the same thing, and i agree with you. it depends on how you define "screen" when talking about dimensions. if you're talking about the glass, you are correct. however, if someone uses "screen" to denote the size of the display/displayed content, then the dimensions may change - we'll just have to wait for more info.
i think we're saying the same thing, and i agree with you. it depends on how you define "screen" when talking about dimensions. if you're talking about the glass, you are correct. however, if someone uses "screen" to denote the size of the display/displayed content, then the dimensions may change - we'll just have to wait for more info.

Ah-ha, I get you now... it would be pretty shady if they change the definition of "screen" just so they can claim a 4.5" display.
Ah-ha, I get you now... it would be pretty shady if they change the definition of "screen" just so they can claim a 4.5" display.

agreed. i think it will depend on how they integrate the menu buttons. if they make them part of the display, but don't ever let you "turn them off," then we're really talking about a 4.3" screen. but, if you can make them disappear and reappear, then you would actually have a 4.5" screen/display.
That was actually the first thing I noticed. I knew they were different from the Bionic's but I didn't realize they were tablet like (I don't have any sort of android device). I guess the icons and the stock Android sort of make since. I wonder what version of Android it's running.

Most likely ICE CREAM SANDWHICH since that OS will combine both gingerbread and honeycomb into one.

Sent from my DROID 3 directly to YOU!
well, it will depend on the menu buttons. from the pics we've seen, it's difficult to tell whether the menu buttons are permanent capacitive buttons that are under the glass (in which case the usable screen will probably be 4.3"); or, whether the menu buttons are part of the software that may or may not appear and disappear, depending on how ICS works (in which case the usable screen will probably be 4.5"). from the pics, it certainly appears that the glass would allow for a 4.5" screen.

It will be 4.3" qHD display. The buttons are permanent capacitive.
It will be 4.3" qHD display. The buttons are permanent capacitive.

how do you know/how can you tell?? to me, it's very difficult to tell. but, when i zoom in on the Engadget pics, it looks to me more like they're part of the display (i.e., part of the software, not permanent capacitive buttons)...