To report back from a weekend of fun.. Rooted my TB and this baby is def here to stay for me.. Had some second thoughts when I heard about the MOTO bootloader.. But then I got to thinking.. I really like HTC sense. Not for all people I know, but for me sense is the way. For Verizon this will be the HTC flagship till next year. No its not dual core, and yes the Bionic will be a beast and so will others coming in the next few months, but for what I want in a phone this is it. Dual core to me is not needed. Really the best thing about dual core will be the gaming. Well I have my xbox for this. Angry birds is the only game that I play all the time and well the TB looks awesome.. As far as MOTO maybe being unlocked.. That is great news for the Android community. I look forward to seeing what they will be able to do if they can OC the Bionic and see what can really be accomplished with dual core. Then when my TB is feeling down next year and HTC has had time to optimize its system as well as the devs get time to optimize apps and the such then I will jump ship to a dual core. For the sprint fans that might be getting the EVO 3D.. I wish you the best as well. Not here to trash talk other networks, but LTE with Verizon is an absolute beast and I would rather have my TB with proven tech then 3-D gimmicky tech on a slower network.. oh and unlimited 4G LTE.. Awesome