Nice Burn Verizon

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Nov 20, 2009
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So I got a Droid 1 when it came out. My mother put me on her plan and used her upgrade to get it for me, I had a Dare at that time. Recently I gave her my upgrade so she could get a Samsung Fascinate. All is well but I realize its about time to upgrade. Its no secret Ive been having problems with my Droid and despite how I like it, Im bordering on sick of it. Some problems?

1) The phone is slow as molasses. I hard reset it, I wiped it over the phone with Verizon way back in Nov and started from scratch, even without apps it was slow.
2) The phone takes forever to load. Say Im txting someone, right? I see Elvis running by, just an example. Anybody would break out a camera. I try to switch to my camera, itll freeze on the home screen thereby trapping me there for maybe 30 seconds to a minute. All this time Im stuck staring at a blank home screen cursing and waiting for my icons to load up. If that isnt bad enough when I try to take the picture it may or may not freeze. It has done that on a few occasions, snap the picture and freeze. So my screen is of a picture and despite hitting the back button nothing happens until it decides it wants to work again. This is one example but it does the same when I try to take down someones phone number. This got old very fast.
3) It began to enjoy freezing up on me. It would act stupid for awhile not taking any commands, then it would go to the screen and look as if I typed a phone number but look at that, no number. Thats when I knew it froze. Only way out of that screen was to reboot. Id battery pull but I have a case that makes that a pain.
4) The battery, this phone drains so fast its just annoying. It also charges up really fast. This is a minor gripe, I can just replace the battery but since I want to get a new phone thats just another problem. Why spend $50 on a battery for a phone that messes up often?

So as I said, I called Verizon, we wiped the phone back in Nov. This was my third wipe. I wanted a new one back then, a Droid R2D2. They said it wouldnt happen. I dont do Refurb. Ive been burned enough by them, Im not going through all that hassle and all of the phones they want to send until they think its okay to send me a new one. If they offered a new Droid 1 I might have considered it. They did not. A Droid 2, probably. They did not. The lady was very nice, however, and gave me her Email if I had any more problems. I knew there would be problems and kept said Email. Why, I dont know because it seemed that for the most part her hands were tied. Here we are now. Im sure its upgrade time and I look at the selection. Two things stick out at me that Im not happy with, Id call these 'the burn'.

1) They got rid of one year plans? What is that? When I got stuck with this two year on the Droid and started having all these problems I said I wouldnt go back to two years and would do one year from here on out. Now Im stuck with two years? Month to month is not an option, I dont have money like that.
2) Once upon a time the Droid 2 Global had terrible reviews. It was Droid 2 or Droid R2D2. Now they are both gone and only the Global remains with, look at that, good reviews. I dont want the Global yet its the only one with a slide out keyboard. Far as I know there arent any Droids with a slide out keyboard coming out anytime soon so Im looking at the iPhone 4.

Why are they 'the burn'? First off I couldnt get the phones I wanted or even a new version of my old phone a few months ago due to problems with not being eligible for an upgrade. Fair enough but now Im eligible and not only are the phones I want gone but they also got rid of the plan I want? I cant say that Im happy to see this. And getting an iPhone 4, I know, I know, Im a sell out. A friend of mine has already called me that but honestly, I dont care. The phone I wanted is no longer for sale, cant even find it on EBay and all of theirs dont have slide out keyboards. The iPhone doesnt either but I know of more than a few games I play on my iTouch thatll make up for this inconvenience. The customizability of the Droid is great, I admit, but when you have problems like you do with my phone, you begin to wonder if its worth it. Im pretty sure iPhone owners phones move way faster than mine, dont freeze up and they dont have near as many problems. I know some may say 'faulty app', cant be. As I said, it did this after it was wiped with no apps on it. And truthfully, Im sick of that whole 'faulty app' thing that could mess up a phone just like that. I doubt iPhone users have that problem. And that friend that called me a sell out? Funny thing, he cant find a Droid he likes either and hes also up for an upgrade. He spoke of just getting a new battery and waiting it out until they put out one worth getting. Im tired of my phone acting up.

I dont know if this is the right forum for this because theres a few things I wanted to say here. Now that everyone knows my story I have some questions.
1) Are there any Droids on the horizon with a slide out keyboard or is that over and done with? I want to know because my plan was to get the iPhone for one year then immediately switch back to Droid once they put out another good one.
2) Is Handcent anywhere near as good on iPhone as it is on Droid? I see the app is there but is it as customizable?
3) I would also use the iPhone as my iPod. Would that drastically affect my battery life? I know it would mess it up but Im hoping that by the fourth generation they figured out some way to have both work out without draining the phone. I dont want to get on a two hour train with a full battery, listen to my iPod and get off with a dead battery or the battery flashing red. Thats just ridiculous.
4) One of the main selling points for me, besides more than a few apps that Droid doesnt have, was that whole video phone thing. Does the Verizon version have that and the forward facing camera as well?
5) Is the camera any good?
6) Is the reception any good? I guess that all depends on where you are.
7) Is this phone a good buy? Why should I NOT get it?

Im sure Ill have more questions later on but thats all I can think of right now. Any opinions?
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This is definitely the wrong place to be askn bout the iphone...u might wna try iphone forums

Sent from my ThunderBolt using DroidForums
After reading a lot of posts here, when your phone has problems you get a refurbished. That's what I got, a refurbished Droid 1. Some get lucky and get a new phone, but most likely it's a refurbished, even those who got a D2 for a D1.

I belive the Thunderbolt is the newest Android phone on Verizon (could be wrong... or is it the Droid Charge if that's available today... it's coming though... Samsung Droid Charges are in the shops and ready to sell this discussion might tell you).

Droid 3: Bigger Screen, Cleaner Look, Front Facing Cam, No 4G -- so a droid 3 is coming. Yes with a slide out keyboard. but maybe not until Summer.
I found that in the Droid News section, you may want to keep your eyes posted on there, they list new phones coming on that section. Plus it had the article before the 1 year plans went away (may have been before you were registered here).

Official Motorola Batteries - $14.88 on Amazon -- I believe the "new" batteries aren't available (since D1's aren't being made anymore and all the new ones sold out), but those who got batteries for $5 say they're working fine. I ordered one, but it hasn't come yet so I can't say for myself. So this might be an option until you can get a new phone.

If you're desparate for a "new" phone, the iPhone isn't new either. It's last years model. The i5 comes out in September (maybe). And no slide out keyboard, so I'm confused why that's on your list... I guess that was offered to you free? Probably still refurbished or someone who returned it because they didn't want it. If it's a new one and you're using that for your upgrade, again, that's up to you (and not the forum to ask about them).

Good luck in your search.
Thanks for the information and responses everyone, I appreciate it.

The iPhone is in the list because I already have an iTouch and Im quite familiar with how the system works.

After all these problems Ive had with my phone I just about went off Android. I know its the rules to get a refurbished but really, who wants to hear that? Ive had this phone two years, problems for one of them. I want something new, a refurb is more than likely more problems and I do not feel like getting phones, setting up apps and information and getting used to it only to lose it due to problems which I saw coming a mile away. Ive read in many threads that if you complain enough theyll give you a new one, guess I didnt complain enough. Im not interested in the Thunderbolt or the Charge. I am not a fan of phones that are all touch screen in the least. I came from a Dare and was quite happy to get a physical keyboard with the Droid 1. The thing is I know that with the iPhone, more than likely, I wont have near as many problems as Im having with this Droid and honestly that frustrates me. It also tweaks my nerves that there is not one Droid on the horizon that Im interested in, not even the Droid 3. Though I dont like touch screen phones Id deal with that for the iPhone because I know its quality. I see any other Droid as giving me the same problems I deal with now and no, I dont look forward to it. I feel that way about the Droid 3 even. Im not trying to root, I dont want to be bothered with that. Im at the point now where Im wondering what all this 'customization' is really worth if the phone freezes up anywhere near as often as mine does. Its been two years, refurb should not be an option. They dont even make this phone anymore. Its ridiculous honestly. I knew I shouldve gotten a one year but even that isnt an option anymore. Another thing, with the lack of decent Droids on the horizon I almost feel as if the choice has been made already. Whatever I get Im locked in a two year contract. I want a smartphone. I dont want any Android out there. Blackberry is not an option. What else is there? iPhone.

Now, as for the Thunderbolt I just talked to a Verizon rep. Three things he told me. First, he has one and used to have a Droid. He often misses the physical keyboard. Second, get Launcher Pro, its a free app that speeds up the home screen. I agree, I downloaded it and feel much better about this, things run much smoother. Three, maybe I should consider waiting it out to see if any other good phones comes out any time soon, which is what I might do, Im not so sure.

Everyone is right, this isnt the right forum to ask about iPhones. However, surely someone can tell me something Android has going on that would make me want to stick with them. Im trying to get some Pros and Cons here. What does Droid have going for it? Customization? That blew up in my face. Any others?
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Root your Droid. That is the first step back to a snappy phone. Make that decision and get back to me. I'll help with rooting. Its like having a new phone.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums

rooting your Droid. The only reason that clears up the issue is because you do a wipe. He can do a factory data reset and obtain the same thing.

OP why in the world did you post this in non android phone area?
Factory Data Reset didnt help. Did that on the phone with Verizon and twice before by myself.

I posted this in the Non Android Phone area because I also, if at all possible, wanted some information on the iPhone. I wanted information from both ends actually so that I could make an educated decision on what to do here.
I never saw the need foe video phone with a mobile phone so I never got the front facing camera thing, but to each their own

You need to be on wifi to do the video chat on the iphone right?

You say you want a keyboard. The iphone doesn't have one

It seems like you want an iphone. Go get an iphone then. You won't hurt anyones feelings here.

What phone did you want that's not even on ebay?
Sent from my DROID2
Droid R2D2 Verizon | eBay
Droid R2D2, its not even on EBay. Thats the one I really wanted. They have them on there but if you look youll see they require contracts. For how long they dont say. Either that or they have a bad ESN, are used, or are too much money. Im waiting for the used ones to skyrocket. Originally when I posted this thread all they had were Bad ESNs but I looked again to post this link.
I say .sbf it! Maybe some system files got screwed up and just a wipe doesn't help. Just a suggestion.
Droid R2D2 Verizon | eBay
Droid R2D2, its not even on EBay. Thats the one I really wanted. They have them on there but if you look youll see they require contracts. For how long they dont say. Either that or they have a bad ESN, are used, or are too much money. Im waiting for the used ones to skyrocket. Originally when I posted this thread all they had were Bad ESNs but I looked again to post this link.

Yeah don't know about that. I don't know if they even sold that many. They were pretty expensive. There are tons of D2s though

Wasn't verizon just blowing out the r2d2s for like 99 dollars just a couple weeks ago. You'd have to extend the contract though

I didn't read the reviews but what was wrong with the d2g? Its not that different then the d2 or the r2. The r2 used the same processor too

Sent from my DROID2
I say .sbf it! Maybe some system files got screwed up and just a wipe doesn't help. Just a suggestion.
What is .sbf it?

Yeah don't know about that. I don't know if they even sold that many. They were pretty expensive. There are tons of D2s though

Wasn't verizon just blowing out the r2d2s for like 99 dollars just a couple weeks ago. You'd have to extend the contract though

I didn't read the reviews but what was wrong with the d2g? Its not that different then the d2 or the r2. The r2 used the same processor too

Sent from my DROID2
Its funny you say that. Last I checked a Droid 2 actually cost more than an R2D2. Think it was $200 and an R2D2 was $150. I dont know about $100 but that would explain why theyre missing all of a sudden. Id have had no problem extending the contract BY A YEAR. If I can Im going to avoid two year plans. With this Droid 1 and even many years ago with a flip phone that I had lost in the street and found again, it only proves to be a pain in the neck. Maybe its just me.

Im not sure what was wrong with the Global, IIRC, the R2D2 had 4 1/2 stars and the Global 3 1/2. I never really read the reviews, just saw the stars, noted it and called it one more reason to get the R2D2.
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Its not just your droid 1 thats slow. Mine and my wifes is painfully slow. The home screen takes at least 30 seconds to draw the icons. The browser is so slow there's no difference between 3g and 1x The problem is it cant handle fryo. Before the updates it ran Ok but for the last year its just stupid slow. I'm so mad about it I will never buy another motorola or droid product. I only use mine for making calls I use my touch for everything else. I feel I got taken on a $600.00 phone.
Alright, here is my take.

Your problem isn't Android. The platform has nothing to do with your problems.

What are your problems?

Well, speed. That's a function of having an old phone. It was launched Oct 2009. A comparable iphone is the 3GS. Both the OG Droid and iphone 3GS have the exact same processor -- the ARM Cortex A8.

You could improve the speed of your phone by following an earlier recommendation that was summarily rejected: root your phone. Once rooted you can flash a new ROM like cyanogenmod. CM is hugely popular and is renowned for being awesome, fast, stable, and good on the battery.

Also, once rooted, you can overclock and undervolt your phone. Apps exist like SetCPU or Droid Overclock that allow you to: increase cpu speed (which you have plenty of overhead since Motorola underclocked the cpu in the droid), reduce the voltage the cpu runs at (saving battery life), and change the cpu governor to one that favors performance or improves battery life (or if the interactive governor is available for your phone, do both), and create profiles that can change the behavior of the cpu under different circumstances (go faster and use more juice when plugged in or scale it back and save battery when you are below a certain percentage).

These options here can dramatically improve your experience.

However, they address issues from a software standpoint. It sounds to me like you have a bad phone. I have a friend with an og droid, completely stock, not rooted, and he had none of the problems you have.

Conversely, another friend has an iphone 3GS. He's pretty tech savvy and was interested in Androids but he was on AT&T and decided to give the iphone a try. He regrets that decision. His phone crashes, reboots, and force closes apps on a regular basis. When he saw how stable my custom rom-flashed Droid X was, he got even more pissed off. His words were, "I expected the Android to be less stable, but worth it for the customization. But the iphone is a closed system and it crashes all the time." So, he is waiting for dual-core androids to become more common and then he is ditching his iphone.

I'd say give rooting, rom'ing, and overclocking a shot. If that fails to make your droid tolerable, get a new phone.

Also, consider getting a droid without a keyboard. Once you learn to Swype, you'll regret having a physical keyboard (in lieu of other features like a bigger screen). My parents both bought Droid 2s while I got a Droid X. Last time I visited them, they grew jealous of my screen and said that they never used the keyboards now that they have learned to swype. On the flipside, when I got the X, I wasn't sure if I wanted to go without a physical keyboard. At the time I had an envy and really liked using a keyboard to text. On my brother's recommendation (he has a samsung galaxy), I opted for the X. Once I adjusted to Swype, I never looked back. A physical keyboard is a waste of space to me.

Lastly, it sounds like one of your gripes is VZW because of their contacts, end-of-life-ing phones you liked, and not being willing/able to replace your phone with something you want. Your issue with them had nothing to do with android nor will it be fixed by getting an iphone.

I'm also not sure what your problem with the droid 2 global is. Can you elaborate what was said in the reviews and in what context was the phone being reviewed/compared. When released, the droid 2 global was a mid-range phone compared to other phones available. The global also has no hardware differences from the addition of gsm cellular bands.

Frankly, I just don't see how the problems you have are a function of the Android OS. It seems to me you may have a bad phone and you are unhappy with Verizon's lineup, contracts, and service. You may be better off switching providers, not operating systems. Or, if you are willing to give up a keyboard, get a new, current-gen phone.

Alternatively, you may just like iOS better. That's the only justification for switching to an iphone. But you never said that you liked iOS better. Nor can you really get help on a forum for that issue.

I hope you are able to get to a resolution that satisfies you. I also hope that something I said is of any help.

Good luck,


{ DroidX «» Liberty 2.0.1 «» TapaTalk }
Wow...whine much?:icon_eek:

Seriously...this shouldnt be such an issue...quit whining and just go ahead and get that iPhone you are pining for...seems you are waiting for someone to tell you to do so, so allow me to be the one.

You complain about your phone having "issues", but you refuse to have a CLNR phone sent to you. You whine because Verizon/Asurion wont just give you a phone you didnt pay for (free upgrade on devices...dont remember seeing that in my contract). You piss & moan because you didnt want to spend the money at the time for the phone you thought you truly wanted(R2D2 Droid 2), and now cant seem to find anywhere online. You bemoan all the other phones in the Verizon line-up, and according to you, your only basis for this is the "star rating" the phones have...not actually reading the reviews...cause we know reviews dont need to actually be read, just check the star ratings.... You refuse to look at a Droid phone without a keyboard, yet you are chomping at the bit for an iPhone...a device that will never see a physical keyboard as long as it can be sold ans an iPod with a built-in phone...

So, what are you waiting for...go get that iPhone...then feel free to go to the iPhone forums and start some threads there crying about the lack of swappable batteries, no widget support, no increase in storage size without buying a new device, etc, etc etc....:)
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