I can definitely appreciate this kind of post a lot more than your prior. I do appreciate it sir or madam. At this point Im considering rooting. I know I kept saying I wouldnt and I do have an upgrade coming up but I also have some free time. Maybe Ill look into it with my friend the next time I see him, hes interested as well as I mentioned.Ok...I`ll bite...and try to give some advice from my perspective...take it for what its worth..
You really only have 3 options at this point...
1) Keep your outdated D1, and take the advice that has already been offered, as well as encouraged, and root/ROM it to bring it back to life and extend that life to get you through until you can upgrade more affoably.
No one mentioned a Droid Pro, AFAIK. I looked at that phone and turned the other way. Its just not as sleek as Id like. Thanks for the idea though. Im more willing to jump to the iPhone because I have an iTouch. I already know, for the most part, what Im getting into. Ive used the Droid X before and I wasnt impressed. Its way too big for my liking. I used Swype on my mothers Fascinate and, while it was okay, Im not really aching to have it.2) Bite the bullet and spend some coin on a comparable phone that meets the requirements you have...hardware keyboard, fast processor and as much RAM as you can get so that the OS is smooth and has low/No lag. To this end, your options are fairly limited...either a D2, D2G or the illustrious R2D2 D2...or maybe a Droid Pro, which I havent seen anyone so far mention as an option...forgive me if it was. I keep seeing where you dont want a non-hw KB, but if you can see yourself using an iPhone, I dont see why you couldnt jump on a Droid X...it has everything else you are looking for, as well as doing what the iPhone basically does, which is double as a portable MP3 player...with the added ability of expanding the SD memory...
I see a few games and a few apps that I like there, however Im losing more than a few games and apps that I like here on Droid. It isnt that I wanted nothing but the iPhone. Im still working on trying to figure out how to get an R2D2 and if its worth it.3) Go get the iPhone...without the KB you say you have to have...except in the case of the iPhone because it has a "few" games you like which is enough to make you live without the KB....:icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek: <---That alone makes me sure you really dont want anything but the iPhone, and all other options are moot...
I dont see much use for a Forward Facing Camera myself but itll definitely eliminate those annoying 'Looking In The Mirror To Take My Own Picture' shots. The video chat, however, means alot to me because I have a friend who can do that as well. Im sure its nowhere near as cool as Im hoping, probably equal with a webcam and the novelty wears off after a few minutes but even so Id like to try it out.Again, and I am sure there are other DX users here who will back me up...there is nothing the iPhone does(discounting the FFC and video chat, features I really dont see a use for), that the DX cant do...but the iPhone cant say the same thing... The DX is also sporting a larger screen, which translates to it having a larger on-screen keyboard to type on...yet another thing the iPhone doesnt...but, you make the call.
Sounds like you got a really good phone.You couldnt give me 2 iphone 4`s for my 1 DX...its just not a worthy deal IMHO...![]()
Would you believe I never use the "voice features"? I do enjoy Google Maps, that app is amazing and I use it often. If I were to switch over I know Id miss it. Ive heard of the notifications sucking. Not only do you not get a flashing light but also you only get some boring ringtones. Hopefully thatll change soon, I mean real soon. One thing I noticed about the iPhone that I dont like, it seems to take forever to get things that shouldve been there since the beginning.Ok so I just switched from iPhone 4 to Droid. Here is my two cents. One, there are SOOOOO many features the droid has that, honestly, blows the Iphone out of the water. There is no "voice features" at all. If you want a GPS, that will set you back 50$ and then a monthly subscription. Droid is free. Notifications suck really bad, you are going to miss your notifications bar alot. The camera is pretty nice on the iPhone, but nothing too fancy. The screen is tiny and compared to other phones like the thunderbolt or droid x......just plain sad. I could go on and on but I wont. Point being, if you want nice apps, and an apple logo, get the iPhone.
I usually do that when Ive just about made my decision. It does help to go to more than a few sites for reviews. I use Verizon for my first impression and then when I want one I ask around and check other places for reviews.Alright, I'll take another stab.
Don't... Don't go by reviews on vzw. I'm willing to bet that the majority of them are posted by people that are unhappy and want to vent while people that are happy are enjoying their phones in peace. For guidance, go to a forum for that phone and ask there. There you will get a more realistic cross section of users. Also, put that up against reviews by independent websites like engadget, which will compare the phone in the context of the total mobile market, across providers and platforms. This will give you a much better basis to go on.
Ill give Swype another try next time I get the opportunity.Now about keyboards..
Physical keyboards are a tiny section of the market, for better or worse. There are no iphone with a physical kb. And very few androids per generation, for all providers. Manufacturers know you give up a lot of features for a physical kb -- form factor, dimensions, cost...and to keep those down they cut other hardware like screen size.
Input on iphone versus androids without physical kbs... You don't have the option of swype at all. Nor do you have swiftkey which is widely regarded as the best non-swype-style keyboard. From what I heard, it crushes keyboard options for the iphone.
Also, swype is weird... Really. It takes a shift in the way your brain processes words for entry. That doesn't happen in the three minutes you test it at the store. Commit to it, for at least a couple days. And then you will look back at your reticence and think, "Why did I ever doubt modisch."
Bluetooth keyboards. Ive heard of them but never really seen one. I might have to check that out. Thanks. But wouldnt that be more of an inconvenience hauling that around? I remember when I used to carry my Bluetooth it was a pain in the neck. It took me actually losing one when I reached into my pocket to stop carrying it. I did find said Bluetooth a few days later but sadly it had rained the night before and it was trash.Like I said, I came from an LG Envy, which has a physical keyboard, and I was torn over the D2 or DX. And when I first got the dx and started swyping, I thought, "Dammit, I should have gotten the d2.... Can I switch still?" But then, after a few days, swype clicked and I was faster and more confident on swype. And, as I said, my parents both bought d2's, because of the keyboard, and now wish they had dx's now that they've learned to swype. I kid you not, my mom said to me the other day that she doesn't even use the physical keyboard anymore.
That feature you are desperate for? Swype has rendered the physical keyboard on a sixty-something grandmother's phone vestigial and unused.
If you must have one, consider a miniature bluetooth keyboard for those few times you need one. There are numerous options for that, many that are no bigger than a droid kb. Ask around on the forums for recommendations for bt keyboards.
Probably. I think when I was on the phone with them last it was over an hour.As for speed...
You have probably spent more time on hold with verizon trying to get a new phone than it would take to root and flash yours.
That does indeed sound like an amazing phone, Ill have to look into it. Is it huge like the X though?But, if you want a truly fast phone that will last a decent amount of time (obsolescence is a fact of gadgets and it will come for you even if you get an iphone)... the Samsung Galaxy S II is coming out on verizon in may. In benchmarks, it is more than 10x faster than an OG droid. It also has an unlocked bootloader so it can be modded more than a droid 2.... So you can put the best rom available on it and go even faster with less battery use. It is a beast.. I lust for it.
I agree to an extent. My main problem was the contract and missing out on the phone I wanted. Then you add onto that the fact that my phone continued acting stupid and has progressively gotten worse, well thats just a recipe for disaster.Again, the platform isn't your problem. The only problems you've expressed can either be fixed within the realm of Android options or won't be fixed with an iphone.
Tricky question. So far? Im thinking it might. For one I wouldnt have to carry my iPod anymore. Thats one serious plus. For another I wouldnt have to worry about videos trashing my battery. I have a bunch of videos on my Droid but I dont dare watch them. What good is all this stuff if itll kill the battery really fast? The iPhone I was planning to get is 32GB. It does indeed cost $100 more than any other phone but at the same time I have much more storage space. Im not about to buy a 32GB microSD, my 4GB does well enough for this Droid but Im well aware that for the iPhone youll need as much memory as you can get. I see your point though and didnt think of it that way. Never really considered the GPS draining it.As said, there are a lot of features you give up with an iphone. An iphone is just an ipod touch that makes calls. Ask yourself, if your ipod touch had 3g, gps, and could make calls, would it completely satisfy you? Bearing in mind that an iphone will have less storage, cost more, and will have less battery life as it will also be drained by use as a phone or gps (and generally be used more).
Now we get to the nitty gritty. This is the kind of thing I wanted to see. You look at the phone and yes its obvious but when things are going wrong you couldnt careless. Thank you for putting things back in perspective. However, this is a Droid 1 were talking of. Id miss the USB ability, widgets and definitely notifications but what is rotation locking? Everybody says Flash support is a joke and I must agree, its garbage. My phone cannot be used as a Mobile Hotspot though thatd be nice, and neither does it have HD video. Whats this file tree? Ive never heard of File Explorer. The accessing the internal memory would be greatly missed as I said. The app drawer is the Menu button right? Im not sure. Doesnt the iPhone have home screens and folders? It took forever but Im sure the second to latest update gave it folders. I know, too long, why do these things always take so long? And what multitasking does either phone do? I hear of this often but I have yet to really get it.Comparison of iOS devices:
List of iOS devices - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The hardware features you lose going from android to iphone should be clear. Just dig at both your devices and see what is missing. No access to the battery. No sd card slot. You need a special adapter for everything since you don't have usb or hdmi.
Other platform features you lose... As mentioned, notifications. Rotation locking. Widgets, for God's sake. Actual folders. Mobile hotspot. Flash support. HD video.
An actual file tree... File explorer. Accessing the sd card or internal memory like an actual computer. That would drive me nuts. No app drawer. No homescreens. The iphone didn't get multitasking until the iphone 4. That's just an atrocity.
You did, I appreciate that. I have no doubt that my problems can be fixed with an Android phone, all except the plan, but problem is that ATM I cant find even one that interests me. I may have to drop the physical keyboard prerequisite and that truly saddens me, but even then I still dont see anything worth having.To me, an Android is a pocket-sized computer. The iphone is an ipod touch that makes calls. It may have been the first smash hit smartphone, but Android makes it look less smart.
I really think the iphone doesn't fix your problems. Your problems *can* be fixed with an android phone. The fix that takes the least effort? Get a Droid 2 Global. It will be faster than your current phone, have better battery life, and most likely eliminate your instability (which may be due to a faulty phone). Alternatively, ditch the keyboard requirementand get a dual core phone. Dual cores are faster and have better battery life.
Also, regarding battery life, you can get higher capacity after market batteries for an android... You can't easily do that for an iphone nor can you swap batteries on the fly.
Again, a long post but I think I addressed your concerns as well as I can.
{ DroidX «» Liberty 2.0.1 «» TapaTalk }
Now for the record, I just went to VerizonWireless.com and checked out the reviews for the Droid 2 Global. 3 1/2 stars still. The main problem is the battery, some people have freezing issues and all the Verizon software just angers them to no end. Myself, I had no problem with MotoBlur but I have no doubt itll slow my phone down considerably. I already deal with slow now so Im not too thrilled to see that. Not to mention its already old news and has been for over a year. The battery complaint applies to the iPhone as well. The Droid Pro has horrible battery life and likes to reboot randomly. I remember my phone used to do that. I know, probably a faulty app. Im not interested in that phone anyway but still checked it out. 3 1/2 stars. I know, dont trust Verizon but as I said, thats the first place I go. Its been brought up a few times what my problem is with the phone, no real problem, its just old. I could deal with that for the R2D2 because its Limited Edition. The Global one? Not so much. Even the iPhone 4, Im debating if thats a good idea. Isnt it around time for them to drop the iPhone 5? Then the Droid 3, its obvious I should wait for sometime before I update. Better get the quickest and best phone I can since Im stuck for two years.