Not getting notified of emails

Well it's working again. I have tried this a few times with no luck but this time is fine. Uninstalled K9 and used the standard email program for a few hours and I was getting notified, downloaded the K9 version from the market and all is fine. I'll try turning on WiFi today as well.
Well it's working again. I have tried this a few times with no luck but this time is fine. Uninstalled K9 and used the standard email program for a few hours and I was getting notified, downloaded the K9 version from the market and all is fine. I'll try turning on WiFi today as well.

For regular email updates, YOU MUST have the email program open in background even if you have it "Checked" to notify you. Was happening to me and was about to take phone back till I said, let me see if this works.. and yea, after I ran ATK and it closed email, no more notifications.. then when I opened email, chirp chirp chirp with new notifications, so I just leave it open.
Weird, the same thing happened to me out of no where. I haven't done anything different than what I normally would do on my phone the past few days and I'm not getting any e-mail notifications either. No k9, task killer, or anything like that. Just the stock gmail app and I haven't changed any settings or anything.