ok guys here we go. so far i have 2 different cpu settings. ill post more when i get teh time to test other things. i tried to keep it to basically what you had posted originally. but this is going through temp monitor, to the cpu sensor, so this should be accurate. im not going to do idle temps because i have a profile set to go down to 120mhz, so its not accurate. i also don't feel that they would be very helpful. the volume for everything was about 50%
5 mins of youtube HQ- 98*
playing tower raiders 5 mins- 89*
playing homerun battle 5 mins- 100*
5 mins youtube HQ- 97*
playing tower raiders 5 mins- 87*
playing homerun battle 5 mins- 100*
so far, with the 250mhz overclock, its not really much of a difference at all. downloading seems to be the main thing that stresses the heat. i got it up to 105 updating a few apps, but i wasnt able to remember to record how many i downloaded or anything.
also, homerun battle has an online option. so i will test that out too. i will upload charging temps too, once i charge the phone

and ill do tests at 700mhz, and 950 also. i hope that this helps somebody. none of the numbers im seeing are worrysome to me.