I got the update this AM. All is well except Swype is broken again....and something maybe I never noticed before....but in astro, I can see all the internal system files of my phone....has that always been accessable and I never noticed? Maybe I never went further than my SD card I dunno LOL!
:welcome: to the forum.
You can't apply this patch with a custom recovery image. Sorry. You could install a fully-rooted ROM and stuff.
Or you could just install the .apk manually.
The final Flash build has been available for weeks and Flash in general has been available without root access for months. You'll find the .apk and the instructions in that link. Have fun!
Oh, I must have misunderstood, I thought that flash would only work with 2.2, not 2.1.
My favorite ROM is CyanogenMod 6. More features than you can shake a really long stick at, but it's not "souped up" or "tricked out". It just offers more functionality than you'd believe, more options than you can believe, and more control than anyone outside an insane asylum really needs!
I love it.
I'm sure if you look around, though, you'll find a ROM you like.
Yes. Flash only works under 2.2, but as AAF said, there are two levels of 2.2 available officially. If you're still under 2.1 you'll want to manually update to FRG01B ASAP.
If you went all the way back to 2.1 and got 2.2 from there, check your cache for the file and post if it's there. People have been looking for that.
sent via subspace radio
No editing in the "news" forum.What? no edit feature?
Sorry, I meant that I had found the stock 2.2 FRG01B full install. Not 2.1, 2.1 is where I started.
So the learning curve keeps on curving...
What I'm reading is that I cannot add SPRecovery to this non-root version I have, because something called FRS will continually wipe it out.
(I'm trying to go from Christim's http://www.droidforums.net/forum/rescue-squad-guides/39254-sbf-root-unroot.html and MotoCache1's http://www.droidforums.net/forum/rescue-squad-guides/74028-root-droid-1-regardless-os-version.html documents)
I don't necessarily want to spend the time messing with roms and such, nor do I have any current need for su rights, I just want to be able to back up and restore this 'fairly' legit version of my OS.
PS, flash so far is pretty disappointing. Games run pretty poorly. Meh.