Yes this is directly from VZW...after install you will not get promptDid they fix the issue with people getting the OTA notification for 01B when they loaded P3's 22D ROM?
Yes this is directly from VZW...after install you will not get promptDid they fix the issue with people getting the OTA notification for 01B when they loaded P3's 22D ROM?
How do you go about copying all of the contents of your SD card to your hard drive?
SSHGuru that is just a matter of hooking up a usb cable and "select to copy files to/from computer" from pull down menu. I am sure you have USB debugging checked already?
How do you go about copying all of the contents of your SD card to your hard drive?
Did they fix the issue with people getting the OTA notification for 01B when they loaded P3's 22D ROM?
I have a question -- can anyone who has tested both say if there's a difference between the N1 build, either in performance or reliability, and the Droid build of Flash?
I ask because if there's no difference then I'm not going to go finagle a different download and just keep using the same links to tell people how to install if it's not showing up in their market.
That's good news Wezil, glad the apps are all showing up. Mine are too; like you I suspect Market was updating and a little behind.
Interesting about the kernels being different, I missed that because I loaded my favorite Chevy flavor at the same time as I loaded P3's FRG22D.
I don't think anyone with this FRG22D download release from Google's site has rooted yet. It's going to require stock (stock-recovery) FRG01B in order to install. Then the rooting and custom recovery business would be needed. The quick rooter tools don't work with it yet, and at least at this moment I've not seen any developers talking about a release.
Due to all the steps that will be required to root this puppy, I suspect that P3's FRG22D is going to be the standard stock version for rooters for a while.
So just an update from the thread regarding P3's leak/OTA that I was discussing with Dwoid and other last night. My protected apps are now available in the market not that this OTA is official. Makes me think that it was just the Market that we needed to wait on. Will be interesting to see if I ever get an OTA for this.
The only difference I can see so far is that the my kernal version # is slightly different. I wonder is anyone that has the new OTA and Root can see if the can OC to 800Mhz with the stock kernal.
I was afraid of that. Thanks.Someone in the P3 FRG22D leak thread compared them and found them identical.
I have a question -- can anyone who has tested both say if there's a difference between the N1 build, either in performance or reliability, and the Droid build of Flash?
I ask because if there's no difference then I'm not going to go finagle a different download and just keep using the same links to tell people how to install if it's not showing up in their market.
I just routed using MotoCache 1s instructions and all went well...
I was rootd since about March and just un-rooted two days ago to wait for 22B OTA since the official file was available from Googles server I updated manually a few hours ago. I gave some time and put the phone through it's paces to make sure everything was OK.
I used Moto's Method of blocking the automatic bootloader restore and Used SPRecovery to load his rooting files...
Worked GREAT!
I now have EVERYTHING... Official FRG22D, Flash, SPRecovery, New Superuser app, Wireless Tether, Ti Backup.
Speaking of backup... I'm off to do ALL my backups... Nandroid using SPR, Ti Backup and ASTRO backup.
MOTO CACHE 1 YOU ARE THE MAN!! Here have some dancing Droids and bananas...dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid:icon_ banana:
Thank you very much for all the time and effort you put in to this!
The update DID promise updated security...I just installed this on a non-rooted OTA FRG01B. install went fine and was really quick, even the reboot was pretty quick. Installed flash from the market and everything seems to run fine. I then rooted it using the files and guide from Rooting the Droid 1 - regardless of OS version. Everything works fine except now every time I start Exchange it wants to enforce the security policies. Which is strange since I am one of the exchange admins and we disabled the mobile security policies. There's gonna be some pissed off exec's as soon as this goes OTA.