Wow! Good call, literally! So glad to hear VZW (or at least your CSR @ VZW) stepped up to take care of you, and also so sorry your SBF experience did not go as expected. Maybe I had a heap of dumb luck on my side, but I haven't attempted any SBF'ing since my reversion from rooted 2.3.3 to flashed stock 2.3.3, and then full OTA update to 2.3.4, primarily for fear that I would permanently bork/brick the phone if I tried to roll back from anything prior to the current 4.5.622 that's "running smoothly" now...
I know I had the good fortune to find that college student's full outline online of how she used SBF to unroot/re-stock her own R2D2 so she'd have a clean product for trade-up, including her links to the 2.3.3 SBF mirror page for R2D2. I can repost the link with an edit here (upon request) from my post(s) above.
Retracing my steps:
...let's see... OTA RootKeeper was active (SU backed up & "protected"). BootStrap Recovery was removed (had previously used WugFresh NVRAM tethering patches). Root was still active (Titanium Backup Root was happy and everything backed up at that point)...
I had been unsuccessful applying 2.3.4 OTA over rooted R2D2 on 2.3.3, and also unsuccessful with everything I tried to unroot my phone completely (of course I am sure I did not try everything, mainly because I couldn't trust that every procedure related to D2 would be safe for my R2D2). So I used this (insert link ((next edit if OK w/ forum rules)) directly to the file instead of Mirrors page) R2D2 SBF 2.3.3 stock (my definition of "stock" = unrooted, VZW-compliant), flashed with RSD Lite in PC Mode with USB Debugging enabled (was still in that USB mode when attempting to unroot previously).
There was a detour in my case: I *bricked* to "low battery" bootloader error while awaiting my computer's download of the 2.3.3 SBF because I had left my R2D2 plugged into USB trickle-charge on computer's USB port with a battery too low, which caused interruption in the SBF flashing process and then a horribly tense adventure holding taped-on wires of a makeshift USB battery bypass cable during the next SBF vs RSD Lite session. But soon as R2D2 booted (after 2.3.3 SBF was successfully flashed), I shutdown "properly" and removed my risky MacGyver cabling to plug in the battery & original Moto AC charger.
Now, this all said from memory (as a technician I'm fabulously OCD about over-documenting, except on my own projects where I keep almost no notes at all), I have already gone on record to say YMMV, but my, mileage since last chiming in here has also varied:
R2D2 did a random reboot WHILE I WAS TYPING THIS REPLY POST. I mean, seriously, come on! So I will hold my tongue before further proclaiming that my stock 2.3.4 R2D2 is living up to all expectations. It has still, rarely but definitely, done the following:
Force close on browser.
Reboot at "random" (even with battery nearly full & powered on for less than 24hrs, I think twice within 6hrs one day last month).
Inconsistent WiFi communication (sometimes slower than 3G).
Home Screen wallpaper* dump to default.
(* I use Colors app to load #000000 Black solid wallpaper, but R2D2 likes to prank me with "Star Wars" wallpaper once every few days, like he just swapped my folgers crystals or something, I notice the difference!)
Home Screen stuck with 7-page selection overlay in front of active Home Screen icons.
What else? Ah yes, I should stop looking for my notes, I'm sure I didn't keep any detailed documentation. Who needs that, right?
Meanwhile, I still plan to keep my beloved R2D2 until I can afford a Droid 4 (or whatever comes next) upgrading under VZW discounts if they still exist at that point (had chance to play with a new D4 last month over a weekend, so jealous!). And to that end, I am soon to order a replacement R2D2 keyboard to do some first-timer/noob DIY repairs to this battle-worn astromech unit. However, if VZW and my all-in replacement insurance deductible means I can swap R2D2 for a "VZW-fresh" refurbished one, maybe I'll make that call, too.
This is all to say, "I'm with ya."

Still, somewhat surprised that VZW is still able to source any R2D2 replacement units at all, let alone that they might have a stockpile at the ready for OTA-bricking replacement satisfaction.
So I also should say, "Thank you for finding this out and sharing it here on the thread!" I'm glad I was visiting for no good reason this morning and found your post. Thanks again!
Sympathetic Transmission from R2D2