Yakitori, do not speculate without having tried first. Network location works fine. And you do not have to full wipe... there's no point in it. The official Chinese versions do not require a full wipe so there is no reason that the English version need this either.
I have not flashed, so whats wrong with speculating by what others have been posting? Nothing....its human nature...its called reasoning.
The point is that many things that get fixed, causes probs elsewhere OR gets overlooked in these weekly releases. So...either one fix breaks something else OR they arent being as thorough with quality check before releasing.
So...with all these phone fc's etc...and me not flashing yet...is it okay for me to speculate now? I still gather info before I flash. I dont like flashing every week. You are missing my point altogether.
The MIUI devs are releasing these updates and its still not completely 100 percent working rom. Dont get me wrong...I still use MIUI (and dont plan on switchin to anything yet), but being honest that...not EVERYTHING works and there have been countless weekly updates. My point is SAVE the updates for when stuff is fixed (noticably). I think you missed my point.