my texts work fine but what is this....
A system app whose named wasn't translated. Wouldn't worry a whole lot.
my texts work fine but what is this....
Is there a Fix or am i going to have to deal with it..My Softkeys at the bottom dont viberate when touched...Kind of annoying..Any thoughts on how to fix it??
Is there a Fix or am i going to have to deal with it..My Softkeys at the bottom dont viberate when touched...Kind of annoying..Any thoughts on how to fix it??
make sure your haptic feedback is on.
I was just over at the miui web site and the new build has a lot of features that look pretty slick here is the change log
Add flip to mute, call when the flipphonecan be muted. (Need to set in the open, the default is not turned on)
Add gradually pick up the ring is small, pick up the phone calls, ring tones gradually becomes smaller.
Add a callin the recording process to support the one-way call recording.
Fix an error message back contact problems.
MMS will be the text block fix the problem.
Optimize the time to send the message list sorting by the other party.
Add new and edit the contacts of people added to the group supporting information.
Add SIM card contacts into the newinterface.
Add lock screen music controls, double-click the unlock button to call.
Add notification bar 13 key switches, to support press and direct access to relevant project settings.
New Phone and SMS desktop icons, in a missed call or new SMS number when prompted.
Shimonoseki opportunity to repair some cases become arestartproblem.
Fix the globalsearchbox type icon is not consistency.
Set off down-repair problem is not saved.
Lock screen input to complete optimization of direct access to the desktop.
Repair can not be achieved square and round icons icons switching problems.
Fix VPN settings crashes.
Upload debug log can not switch fix the problem.
Repair data and backup problems can not be closed.
Optimization of power display related content.
My gallery fc's only when I choose a pic as wallpaper. Browsing is fine. Crap.
~ App ~
mine used to do that but i found a way around that.
instead of choosing "wallpaper" from the menu button, try going into your gallery and choosing the picture you want as your wallpaper and go MENU > MORE > SET AS > WALLPAPER
that worked for me. also if, when you choose as wallpaper, it ends up showing a stock wallpaper from MIUI instead of your custom one, try setting the wallpaper as a stock MIUI wallpaper once or twice, then retry the method i just described and it may work.
this annoyed me so bad in 6.2 and 6.3(when i first installed it) nut now it works fine
Cannot send a text, Are you kidding me? What in the world is a 3k text/mth kat supposed to do..I hope that's a unique glitch and not a "Known" issue w/v6.4:icon_eek:
think its your phone, i just sent about 5 texts in 5 minutes and all of them worked.
this keyboard is WAY nicer than the black one!!!!!
Nah C3, I was just commenting on irishlaxer's post about him not being able to text. I haven't even loaded 6.4 yet..Just reading a few post before I do so I know what to expect..
Not able to send sms messages without a FC.
I love the dialer and contacts on this ROM. Is there anyway to install it on another ROM?
The only roms I would recommend installing this over is V6.2 and V6.3 of MIUI that's it. It will work over others but you're bound to get fc's somewhere along the line.
Still would love the dialer and contact as a seperate application to be able to install on other ROM's.