In all seriousness I dont want to undermine our official release so I wont be releasing anything until the apps are translated. It shouldn't take too long for that though.
In the mean time, I talked to Chevy this morning about his kernels and he got us some new ones that work. I've tested a few myself and had no problems. I love Chevy's work so I would definitely recommend them to anyone who wants to oc more than 800mhz.
Index of /froyo/kernels3
thanks for the recommendation, but i found slayher's kernels with the interactive governor to be extremely smooth with this and pretty much any other rom Maybe I'll try a chevy later though.
and is the only thing left really just the languages? i would have thought that the 11.5 release was similar enough to the 10.29 that you'd be able to just use the locale app on 11.5. guess not, though?