The close/edited/deleted threads shouldn't be happening as much now that 2.1 is out and everybody has it. During the first few days we were trying to keep the amount of threads down, and I know for a fact that I upset a few people in one thread but at the time that was what the admins wanted and that's what I was doing. I can't apologize for following orders, I can say that going forward anybody I delete a thread or even edit a thread will receive a pm from me explaining why that happened. The only reason for editing a thread really is because of language but I feel that the poster should be notified.
It would also be helpful if the mods actually read the content of some threads. It might be the same source topic, but branching off into different aspects of it. Though better topic lines would help set those aside. 1 general thread to cover all isn't always best. like with the 2.1 thread, it got to over 15 pages easily. But it was hopeless trying to sort through it to find out what the upgrade contained vs just when it was potentially coming out and the rumor mill, Mods shutting down threads like this is only going to drive people to find that information elsewhere where they don't have to sort through 15 pages of "It's not here yet!"