Is there anyway to add in a script/feature to make the music control to stay on the lockscreen even when the music isnt playing like in UD? I have a crappy droid and if I move the headphone jack the wrong way there is alot static and it turns off. So its a very useful feature to me.
I know a lot of Droids have had that problem, So maybe/hopefully its not just me that would absolutely love to have this put in there if its possible
+1 for this..not a terribly big deal, but my headphone jack blows huge wang. i get so annoyed when i have it hooked up via AUX in the car and it just stops playing because it was moved awkwardly...ugh
sms app still doesnt bring the latest convo to the top. does anyone know the last version that did this? im going to pull it and use that one because its really annoying when i have to look through all the convos to find the newest one
thought mine was doing that because i restored my sms/mms with sms backup. had no idea anyone else was having the same issue, i guess i should have reported it. but yeah, my timestamp is correct on outgoing messages