Ordered the Rezound this morning!

The Rezound is one of those phones that works decently out of the box, I've had mine for over a month and I haven't rooted yet, Sure I will eventually for the added features rooting gives to any device, but the rezound is definitely not one of those phones that is required to root just to work properly. It's a very stable phone, the only problems I have with an app is when it doesn't support our screen size, or the GPU's framework, which is pretty rare, and will become much less of an issue to this already very small problem soon.

I agree with you about rooting. There's really no need to root this thing. It runs real snappy right out the box.
Got minetoday and love! Plus simultaneousvoice and data is awesome!

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
I just remembered when I got the original droid with the sliding keyboard they had a promotion, buy the Motorola Droid and get the HTC Droid Eris free. I got the original droid and got my wife the Eris, she reminded me how much of a 'POS' the Eris was, so we added two lines when the Droid X came out and upgraded EARLY to those because she HATED the Eris and I'm one of the few I think that didn't like the original droid with the sliding keyboard.

The Eris really was a crappy phone that we had to replace about every 90 days it seemed like. I forgot all about her having that phone when I made this thread, please tell me the Eris was the black sheep HTC doesn't want to remember. I have only had two smart phones myself, the original droid and the Droid X, and honestly I've yet in a little over two years had a smart phone make it over 6 months without constant lagging and freezing issues.

I'm at the point I just want a smart phone to work like it's suppose to without constant issues. I have blamed it on Motorola phones but being I've never owned another brand maybe I'm wrong, I do know everyone I know that is a iphone user claim there phones never freeze up and just work. My brother tells me he will never own anything but a iphone again unless they stop making them.

I've messed around with his phone and I just prefer Android over IOS, which is why I'm hoping this Rezound will be the first problem free smartphone I've had. While I prefer Android to IOS, if I have the issues with the Rezound I've had over and over with Motorola phones and my wife with the Eris I may have to make the switch to iphone.

I know this phone is only about two months old, but any of you guys coming from the original droid and the X how do you compare the Rezound to the Motorola brand phones based on freezing, lagging, and basically just system stability? This is why I made the choice to get the Rezound over the Nexus, to many reviews of signal, data, ext issues.

Maybe future patches resolve the Nexus issues, but maybe it doesn't either. I know you can improve the Droid x with hacks and roms, but I do not know how to do that stuff. I want a phone to just work out of the box without having to root it. I'd love to have custom roms and a rooted phone I just don't know how to do that stuff. That being said I would wanted it hack to customize it, not to get it to work probably.

Sorry about the long winded post, I'm just hoping this Rezound will finally be the problem free Android phone I've been waiting for. At this point I'm pro Android, but sadly anti Motorola.

I think u made a great choice post back on how u like it!!

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
I got the Nexus. But after my own experience with it...I want the Rezound instead. ICS is cool...but that will be ported over in no time.

Sent from my GalaxyNexus using DroidForums

That was one of the hardest parts about picking the Rezound over the Nexus 'ICS', but like you said the Rezound will be upgraded to ICS no later than spring I would assume. I would also imagine when we get upgraded to ICS some of the bugs with the new operating system should be worked out.

The only thing I'm not sure about is the LCD screen, I've read all the reviews about how clear it is with it's true 720p resolution, but everyone says they wish it had a super amoled screen for the more vivid colors. I get the sense that if this bad boy had the super amoled screen and once it's upgraded to ICS it would be the perfect phone.

I have to admit I have coworkers that have the Samsung Galaxy S2 on AT&T and the display is gorgeous compared to the Droid X. I also know a guy with the Razr and it's the same thing.

I have a question, does the Rezound have gorilla glass? I've seen info that says both ways.

I think I made the right choice already, I will use this phone mostly as a mp3 player, watching video's, and surfing the web on breaks. Sucks I have to wait until Thursday to get it since today is MLK day it won't ship until tomorrow....
That was one of the hardest parts about picking the Rezound over the Nexus 'ICS', but like you said the Rezound will be upgraded to ICS no later than spring I would assume. I would also imagine when we get upgraded to ICS some of the bugs with the new operating system should be worked out.

The only thing I'm not sure about is the LCD screen, I've read all the reviews about how clear it is with it's true 720p resolution, but everyone says they wish it had a super amoled screen for the more vivid colors. I get the sense that if this bad boy had the super amoled screen and once it's upgraded to ICS it would be the perfect phone.

I have to admit I have coworkers that have the Samsung Galaxy S2 on AT&T and the display is gorgeous compared to the Droid X. I also know a guy with the Razr and it's the same thing.

I have a question, does the Rezound have gorilla glass? I've seen info that says both ways.

I think I made the right choice already, I will use this phone mostly as a mp3 player, watching video's, and surfing the web on breaks. Sucks I have to wait until Thursday to get it since today is MLK day it won't ship until tomorrow....

I agree what you said about the screen. I am underwhelmed, on an otherwise great device. My original incredible has a better screen. Have you considered the LG spectrum coming Thursday? It has a built in equalizer and should have the best screen of the bunch.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
Yes, the Rezound has Gorilla Glass.

I actually prefer the LCD+ screen on the Rezound over the Super AMOLED on the G Nex and Razr. I feel the Super AMOLED washes out certain colors and actually isn't as crisp as the LCD+. My only gripe about LCD is its hard to see in direct sunlight, but its rare this happens for me, so no biggie.

I even think this display looks way better than the displays on the mom's and sister's i*hone 4S's.
I agree what you said about the screen. I am underwhelmed, on an otherwise great device. My original incredible has a better screen. Have you considered the LG spectrum coming Thursday? It has a built in equalizer and should have the best screen of the bunch.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums

Honestly I've not heard about the LG until just now reading your post, but for you to ask if I thought about getting it instead it kinda makes me wonder if the Rezound display is really that bad.

I've already got enough feedback from you guys to get the sense the Rezound is a nice phone, but with that said I don't want to use my upgrade on a crappy display when I'll mainly use this phone as a media device. Just based on the display should I reconsider the Rezound on that alone?
Honestly I've not heard about the LG until just now reading your post, but for you to ask if I thought about getting it instead it kinda makes me wonder if the Rezound display is really that bad.

I've already got enough feedback from you guys to get the sense the Rezound is a nice phone, but with that said I don't want to use my upgrade on a crappy display when I'll mainly use this phone as a media device. Just based on the display should I reconsider the Rezound on that alone?

Not quite sure why you think this phone has a crappy display. I think its one of the best. Have you had a chance to play with one? Also, you have 14 days to return it as well.

Here is a nice review of the Rezound, notice the differences in the screen quality when compared to the Razr HTC Rezound Review – Verizon – Droid Life
Yes, the Rezound has Gorilla Glass.

I actually prefer the LCD+ screen on the Rezound over the Super AMOLED on the G Nex and Razr. I feel the Super AMOLED washes out certain colors and actually isn't as crisp as the LCD+. My only gripe about LCD is its hard to see in direct sunlight, but its rare this happens for me, so no biggie.

I even think this display looks way better than the displays on the mom's and sister's i*hone 4S's.

What kind of display is on the Droid X? I've had it for over a year but honestly don't know what it is, I do know it's not breath taking, but it's not a issue either. I got the Bionic back in October and return it after a day, the display wasn't as sharp as the X, and other than it being fast it felt like the same phone to me.
What kind of display is on the Droid X? I've had it for over a year but honestly don't know what it is, I do know it's not breath taking, but it's not a issue either. I got the Bionic back in October and return it after a day, the display wasn't as sharp as the X, and other than it being fast it felt like the same phone to me.

The Droid X also has Gorilla Glass but is just an LCD screen I think, not LCD+ or AMOLED. Its a good display (honestly would have taken it over the bionic's lol I hated pentile matrix displays) but the Rezound has an awesome display comparable if not better than Apple's Retina display.
Not quite sure why you think this phone has a crappy display. I think its one of the best. Have you had a chance to play with one? Also, you have 14 days to return it as well.

Here is a nice review of the Rezound, notice the differences in the screen quality when compared to the Razr HTC Rezound Review – Verizon – Droid Life

I'm sorry if my post sounded like I thought it was a bad display, I just got a little confused after t35rk said he/she was underwhelmed by it, then asked if I considered the LG phone. That made me think it wasn't very good by the fact the LG was suggested.

All the reviews I've read said the Rezound had one of the clearest displays you can get, text was perfectly clear compared to say the Razr, but they all just said the LCD didn't have the vivid colors of a super ADMOLED. The only issue I was worried about is color, my understanding from a clarity stand point this phone is as good as it gets!
The Droid X also has Gorilla Glass but is just an LCD screen I think, not LCD+ or AMOLED. Its a good display (honestly would have taken it over the bionic's lol I hated pentile matrix displays) but the Rezound has an awesome display comparable if not better than Apple's Retina display.

Thanks for taking the time to reply, I think you addressed all my concerns! Thanks again!
I'm sorry if my post sounded like I thought it was a bad display, I just got a little confused after t35rk said he/she was underwhelmed by it, then asked if I considered the LG phone. That made me think it wasn't very good by the fact the LG was suggested.

All the reviews I've read said the Rezound had one of the clearest displays you can get, text was perfectly clear compared to say the Razr, but they all just said the LCD didn't have the vivid colors of a super ADMOLED. The only issue I was worried about is color, my understanding from a clarity stand point this phone is as good as it gets!

The colors might be more vivid on the Super AMOLED, but the Rezound display is in no way NOT vivid, if at all, the colors are more true on the Rezound then they are on the Super AMOLED screens.

And I would stay away from LG lol seems they are the worst when it comes to lack of updates for their software.

Have you had a chance to go to the local VZW store and actually play and compare the phones?
The colors might be more vivid on the Super AMOLED, but the Rezound display is in no way NOT vivid, if at all, the colors are more true on the Rezound then they are on the Super AMOLED screens.

And I would stay away from LG lol seems they are the worst when it comes to lack of updates for their software.

Have you had a chance to go to the local VZW store and actually play and compare the phones?

They closed my local store, so I'd have to drive 50 miles to look at phones, with gas being so high I just read reviews and forums and decide based on my needs and order over the phone. I decided to get the rezound because it seems to be the only 4G LTE phone that doesn't have data or signal issues. I really haven't heard anything bad about the rezound. With all the data issues the Nexus is having I didn't want to be a beta tester for a device ota updates may or may not resolve.

I've seen a lot of video reviews and they all say this is a solid device. I agree about LG, I've got two LG flat panels and both had issues after a year. I know I'm comparing tv's to phones, but either way it's the same company and there tech support is garbage.
They closed my local store, so I'd have to drive 50 miles to look at phones, with gas being so high I just read reviews and forums and decide based on my needs and order over the phone. I decided to get the rezound because it seems to be the only 4G LTE phone that doesn't have data or signal issues. I really haven't heard anything bad about the rezound. With all the data issues the Nexus is having I didn't want to be a beta tester for a device ota updates may or may not resolve.

I've seen a lot of video reviews and they all say this is a solid device. I agree about LG, I've got two LG flat panels and both had issues after a year. I know I'm comparing tv's to phones, but either way it's the same company and there tech support is garbage.

Good choice, its a solid daily driver. And I agree, as much as I would love to have the G Nex, its not a daily driver for me since ICS is still too new and still a big buggy.

And just so you know, data issues are also part the 4G network, not always the phone, but the Rezound does a good job at limiting network issues on the phone side of things. So anything you experience is probably VZW lol