Hi Skull One,
I just wanted to say that I stumbled across a new kernel about a week ago that was built to support an interactive CPU governor.
Check it out. I'm running it now with SetCPU set to 'interactive' and it seems to be working really smooth, and the battery runs a lot cooler now (avg now 87 deg vs 94 deg before with a P3droid kernel). Seems a little faster too maybe.
I am also using the optional Compcache feature which he includes in this new kernel which creates a virtual swap memory which uses hi-speed compression to effectively give you more memory, which seems to be working good as well.
I just thought I'd mention it in case you wanted to test it out officially, and you might have some more professional opinion about whether it really provides an advantage or whether the gains I'm perceiving are just all in my head. The link above talks all about how it all is supposed to work.
I am using this 'Slayher' kernel with an M Droid, on Lithium Mod ROM, and SetCPU, set to interactive mode, and running my advanced settings the same as I had them when I had the old kernel on 'On Demand' mode (which I don't even know if this is optimal anymore).
Anyway, have a look at it and tell me what you think of it, or the idea of it.
You must tell me what that setting does in your sig?
I mean I have a momentary lag if I'm in any app widescreen, then
come out of it to the home screen it takes time to show the widgets.
This may have fixed that
