I have a question for you that has always bugged me since i started using overclocking kernels and setcpu. I have asked this before on other threads but never got an answer that i was comfortable with. Maybe you can shed some light on this because i think this happens to a lot of other people, whether they know it or not.
Whenever I charge my phone through the ac (either directly through an outlet on the wall, or using my dock charger), the cpu speed will be STUCK on whatever the 3rd slot of my kernel is. The speed will never go down. It does NOT matter what my profiles are, whether the profiles are enabled or disabled, whether my charging profile is of highest priority or not, whether i have a max and min of 250. The cpu speed will just constantly be at the speed designated by the 3rd slot. Also, none of this occurs if the phone is being charged through a usb cable (in that case, whatever profile you set it to will work just fine). This only happens when charging through the ac.
This has happened with every kernel and rom i've used. And i've searched enough to know that I don't think it is a bug or problem with any rom or kernel, but just how the android os works. When the phone is charging, the cpu speed clocks to whatever the 3rd slot is, and stays there. I think others know of this, but i honestly think that many don't, and they think their phone is underclocked when charging, when it really isn't.
I was just curious to hear your thoughts on this Skull. Is there a reason for this? Does it help charge the battery faster if the cpu speed is faster? Could there be some kind of override in a rom perhaps that would fix this? Does this occur on all Droids, or just a few? And also, i like to charge my phone overnight, but wonder if the having the cpu at a constant speed of 600MHz (which is the 3rd slot of my kernel) all night long could cause any damage. I know the stock cpu speed can go up to 600, but is it ok to constantly stay at that speed for 7-8 hours while i sleep?
I think this is a legitimate thing to discuss and understand because since many of us overclock, the 3rd slot of any kernel will obviously be a lot higher than the stock kernels. Plus, since i think that many of us don't realize this happens, it would be nice to have people be more aware of this and to understand why this occurs. Unless everyone knows about it already, and it just doesn't bother them. In that case, i guess i just worry too much lol.
Anybody else can chime in as well of course.