You are the man sir! this thread helped so much. I read it when it was just a baby before all 39 pages and it convinced me it was safe to overclock. I can run the 1.25ulv kernels (im a lucky duck) but they heated up just a little too quick for me, and the 1.2 ulv is by far the most stable i have found. Thanks!
While im here, let me ask, are the recommended advanced settings still
and i might as well toss my profiles in here
screen off 250-400
cpu temp over 55 250-550
temp over 55 250-550
charging/full 250-1200
battery under 20 250-400
battery under 30 250-550
battery under 40 250-800
hows all this look?
I have been running 30000, 50, 0, 0 for the last month. I really have no complaints about it. With my normal usage, I still get 18 to 24 hours between charges. Froyo 2.2 really fixed a LOT of issues with governors as far as I am concerned. I doubt the code changed in that area much but the over OS did change a lot and I suspect the governors now work as originally intended.
And your Profile looks good.