Well, I finally took the plunge and rooted my Droid 1 so I could take advantage of SetCPU and maybe get some more performance out of this thing...
I had the stock Froyo 2.2 that I received from the Verizon OTA update a couple months ago... Never rooted this thing before, never really wanted to, but after that 2.2 update, things were getting a bit sluggish... I figured, worst-case scenario, I brick this Droid and wind up buying a Droid 2 for full-price (because I've still got 11 months in my current 2-year Verizon contract -- the one I signed on Nov. 6, 2009 when I bought this original Droid on release-day). Honestly, I thought it wouldn't be a terrible thing if I did brick it and was forced to buy a new Droid 2 -- I was getting pretty disgusted with the sluggish performance of this Droid 1 after the OTA 2.2 update.
Now that I've done it, all I can say is, "WOW!!!" I should've done this MONTHS ago!!! It's like having a brand-new phone for the $1.99 price of SetCPU. AMAZING!!!
And it was SO SIMPLE! I followed the instructions here, and in about 30 minutes I was rooted, and still running the same 2.2 Froyo that I had been before -- absolutely nothing on the phone changed at all, except now I had root access... It was precisely what I wanted to happen.
I purchased and downloaded SetCPU, set the sliders to 125MHz min and 800MHz max... (Can't get it any faster without a custom kernel.) Set up a few profiles as recommended by this thread's O.P. (I copied his profiles almost exactly, leaving out the one at Batt < 41%), set the advanced settings to 100000,75,0,75 -- of course I also selected Set On Boot for everything I could. Rebooted just for good measure (mostly to see if the settings would be maintained thru a reboot). It all looks great so far!
Played one of my favorite games (RoboDefense) and on the higher levels it was getting pretty sluggish before -- now, it's super smooth. And the phone didn't get any hotter than it did before overclocking, which totally blew me away! I think it's because the CPU is ramping down to 125MHz so quickly, when the game is between robot-waves. When I finished that game, I immediately checked the CPU temp -- 104-degrees F. Absolutely normal after playing that game -- perhaps even a bit cooler? I've seen it hit 106 or even 108 after a full level on that game.
Tried the web-browser; went to a page that I know is loaded with Flash-based advertisements (of course I have Flash 10.1 on my Droid! Take THAT you iPhone weenies!) Before the overclocking, pages with lots of Flash ads on them were quite slow to load -- now, it's super smooth! Really nice!
I honestly don't know why I didn't do this months ago -- I was so nervous about bricking my phone... But the instructions here were so EASY. It all went so smoothly, and now I'm absolutely loving my Droid again. I can wait 'till Motorola and Verizon get together and release a 4G-capable Droid (Droid 3? Droid 4? Droid 4G?), or until the end of my current contract, whichever is later.
Thanks a bunch, guys, for all your posts here that made this process so easy!
I had the stock Froyo 2.2 that I received from the Verizon OTA update a couple months ago... Never rooted this thing before, never really wanted to, but after that 2.2 update, things were getting a bit sluggish... I figured, worst-case scenario, I brick this Droid and wind up buying a Droid 2 for full-price (because I've still got 11 months in my current 2-year Verizon contract -- the one I signed on Nov. 6, 2009 when I bought this original Droid on release-day). Honestly, I thought it wouldn't be a terrible thing if I did brick it and was forced to buy a new Droid 2 -- I was getting pretty disgusted with the sluggish performance of this Droid 1 after the OTA 2.2 update.
Now that I've done it, all I can say is, "WOW!!!" I should've done this MONTHS ago!!! It's like having a brand-new phone for the $1.99 price of SetCPU. AMAZING!!!
And it was SO SIMPLE! I followed the instructions here, and in about 30 minutes I was rooted, and still running the same 2.2 Froyo that I had been before -- absolutely nothing on the phone changed at all, except now I had root access... It was precisely what I wanted to happen.
I purchased and downloaded SetCPU, set the sliders to 125MHz min and 800MHz max... (Can't get it any faster without a custom kernel.) Set up a few profiles as recommended by this thread's O.P. (I copied his profiles almost exactly, leaving out the one at Batt < 41%), set the advanced settings to 100000,75,0,75 -- of course I also selected Set On Boot for everything I could. Rebooted just for good measure (mostly to see if the settings would be maintained thru a reboot). It all looks great so far!
Played one of my favorite games (RoboDefense) and on the higher levels it was getting pretty sluggish before -- now, it's super smooth. And the phone didn't get any hotter than it did before overclocking, which totally blew me away! I think it's because the CPU is ramping down to 125MHz so quickly, when the game is between robot-waves. When I finished that game, I immediately checked the CPU temp -- 104-degrees F. Absolutely normal after playing that game -- perhaps even a bit cooler? I've seen it hit 106 or even 108 after a full level on that game.
Tried the web-browser; went to a page that I know is loaded with Flash-based advertisements (of course I have Flash 10.1 on my Droid! Take THAT you iPhone weenies!) Before the overclocking, pages with lots of Flash ads on them were quite slow to load -- now, it's super smooth! Really nice!
I honestly don't know why I didn't do this months ago -- I was so nervous about bricking my phone... But the instructions here were so EASY. It all went so smoothly, and now I'm absolutely loving my Droid again. I can wait 'till Motorola and Verizon get together and release a 4G-capable Droid (Droid 3? Droid 4? Droid 4G?), or until the end of my current contract, whichever is later.
Thanks a bunch, guys, for all your posts here that made this process so easy!