Here is my "looking from 1 mile above" soap box.
There are a LOT of users that follow what their ROM makers say without doing any research. The best example of this would be Bugless Beast and Ultimate Droid ROMs. They are told in the release notes "You do not need to run SetCPU because overclocking is now built in". Well that is just fine and dandy, right up to you kill your phones battery life or worse kill the phones CPU while using the performance, interactive or a very poorly configured ondemand setup.
Now if everyone used SetCPU properly, then this wouldn't be an issue. Because they wouldn't make the mistake of not setting the sleep/standby profile to ondemand, conservative or powersave. But that isn't the case. Hence why this thread actually exists. Because the average person simply doesn't have time to do the research needed to figure out "WHY" you need a sleep/standby profile that isn't set to performance or interactive. Or better yet understand that there are certain governors you should "NEVER" mix because SetCPU doesn't maintain different entries for each of the fields that you can set and will cause issues that look like the phone is lagging out or even overheat.
Interactive is better than the performance governor. No IF, ANDs or BUTs about it. But you have to know WHEN and WHY to use it. And that isn't the average users forte. Hell, lets be realistic, I don't even know how the new conservative governor works yet because I simply don't have time to research it with my current work and home life. And that is with me already investing over 100 hours doing research, testing and code reading. One of these days I hopefully will get to it.
/soap box off
Short answer to your question is: Yes, when properly setup and with correct supporting profiles, the interactive governor is a great asset to the Android OS. But one mistake in the setup and it can eat your battery in less than 5 hours.
Thanks for the info and quick response! This whole rooting game is definitely a constant learning process.